Part 007

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Running, yelling, panic, and chaos.

Only a step onto the Auror office floor, I pause.

'It was me, Harry. I did it...'

The note Draco Malfoy left me zips through my mind. Something happened. Was it him? Did he confess to me?

Someone yells from the mess. "Hey! Harry Potter?".

"Yes?" I say, looking around. It's the front desk.

"The Mafia team's been looking for you all night. You need to go down to the office right now.".

I blink. "Uh, okay, but, what happened?".

No one answers me. I sprint down to my office.

More chaos unfolds the moment I turn the corner.

The doors of the Mafia team office are flung open, aurors rushing in and out with drawn wands. There are papers, photos, and folders thrown on the floor. In the air, letters are speeding, swishing through the crowds.

I don't even know who to talk to when I enter the room. My confusion didn't matter, though, because Granger found me before I panic-ran out of the building.

"WHERE WERE YOU?" Granger yells, powering towards me.

"I-" I say, but the question wasn't one in need of an answer.

"Do you even know what happened? Are you even aware of how urgent the situation is? Do I need to explain to you that being unavailable at all as an auror might get you to a working ban, and certainly will this time because you had to be missing specifically last night? I needed you on-".

Wait, hold on. "I'm getting a working ban?".

Granger looks at me dumbfounded, almost in disgust. "Yes. Yes, you are. With your non-existent excuse and zero interest in your work, you will definitely be getting a working ban.".

"There's no way you can just do that." I say in disbelief.

"Oh, there are so many ways." Granger says, "If you don't want me to think too deeply about how to get you out of this office, though, perhaps you should get to the scene and do your job.".

I sigh. "What scene? What happened?".


I stand in front of the wall where the stolen 'La vie' should have been hanging. Instead, now a dead body is in its place. The dead body of Lucius Malfoy at that.

Even though no one really knew what the Mafia boss looked like, I could recognize him at first sight. The silver blond hair, the sharply pointed face, the stone gray eyes... It was all too familiar, all too ressemblent of his son, Draco Malfoy. One thing the father and son did not share was the thing that made me cry when I saw Malfoy junior. The chillingly majestic aura. The presence, the power, the air. It was all too different.

"The amount of letters I sent to your place, mate..." Dean says, walking up behind me, "At least you're here now.".

"Yeah, sorry about it." I say, crawling out of the fog of Draco Malfoy in my mind, "What's going on exactly?".

Dean pulls out his best friend, his notepad. "A lot is going on, as you can see. The time line goes like this.

"At about three, the two aurors on duty here, at the 'La vie' exhibit, were shot with an unidentified curse by an unidentified attacker. Apparently, due to the curse, both the aurors were knocked out, only to wake up a few hours later at about six. When they realized what happened and looked inside the exhibit, the dead body was hung like this here. According to them, there were no signs of a break in before they got knocked out, and no one else on duty heard or saw anything, either.

"The only thing found on the scene, other than the body, was this.".

Dean hands me a photo. It's a note, written in, unsurprisingly, Draco Malfoy's writing. I reads-

Rest in distress Lucius Malfoy

I clench my teeth, gripping the photo in my sweating hands.

It's Draco Malfoy.

He killed his own father and hung his lifeless body up in the Papilio Art Museum, only to leave a note of confession. He's sending a message. He's saying that he can do whatever he wants, even if it's killing his own father, kidnapping an auror, or taking over the damn world.

I take a breath. "What are we suspecting happened?".

Dean closes his notepad and looks up at the body of Lucius Malfoy. The limp, pale, empty body, barely hanging from the ceiling by a single rope around the torso. "Well, there isn't one sure theory yet. Some are saying it's a normal citizen being sick of the Mafia, some are saying it's members of the Mafia wanting to bring up a new king, some are saying it was 'the universe' trying to give evil what they deserve... There's just so much happening nowadays, isn't there?".

I nod slowly, folding up the photo of Draco's note. "I have a theory.".


"Only someone with an immeasurable thirst for greed could do this. Hate? Sure. Justice? Maybe. But more than that, greed, power hungry, endlessly vile.".

Dean blinks. "And who's that?".

I look at Dean and hold up the photo. "Can I keep this?".


It's been maybe ten minutes since I sat in front of Granger at her desk. When I got here, she was writing a letter, then she moved on to looking through files. Now she's just come back with some papers from the desk across the room with stacks of evidence photos on it.

"Why are you still here?" Granger says.

"I was waiting for you to finish." I say.

"Finish what?".

"Whatever you're doing.".

Granger slams down the file in her hand. "Get back to work.".

I don't move. "I have something to report.".

"Is it as important as what I'm doing?" Granger snaps, "I doubt it. Now, leave.".

"But you're wrong-".

"Okay, you know what? Get up. Follow me.".

A bit taken aback, I follow Granger out of the room. She walks me to a dark room with boxes and file cabinets, dusty enough to have been abandoned for years. From the corner file cabinet, Granger pulls out a paper. After scribbling something on it, she hands it over.

"Read that thoroughly." Granger says, "Make sure you don't come into work until the date stated, understood?".

I skim the document. The further down I get on the page, the more frustrated I become. "What? A working ban? Really?".

She starts to walk back to the office. "Yes, Mr Potter. Go home, right now.".

I follow her, almost yelling at the back of her head. "You're not gonna need me? Do you even know what information I have-".

Granger turns sharply and jumps at my face. "GO HOME!".

I stand in the middle of the hallway, watching her leave. People sprint, run, walk past me, all busy, working.

No one knows what I know. No one understands that if they knew what I did, everyone could be a little less overworked. I have what they don't, I can solve what they can't, and I can figure out all the things they're incapable of. They need me, the world needs me.

But Granger doesn't think so. Not a single soul here does.

I crumple the work ban in my hand. I guess I'm doing this on my own.

Long Live the Mafia Prince - A Drarry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now