Part 002

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"You what now?" Ron yells from the kitchen down to my room.

"Yeah, I know." I say, through the open door, "I'm moving desks tomorrow.".

I hear Ron's voice getting louder as he walks over down the hall. "So you're really moving teams? To the Mafia team at that?".


Ron pokes his head through the door. "You bloody madman.".

I unbutton my shirt and pull out a sweatshirt from my closet.

Ron and I have been living together since we left Hogwarts. At this point, I might be a bit sick of him, but what can you do? You planned to get a job together with a friend from school and the plan ended up working. Might as well just live together and save the money on rent.

Besides, there are perks to living with a personal Ron.

For one, he cooks for you.

"What are we having?" I say, walking into the kitchen.

Ron walks past me into the living room, his hands full with plates. "Just eat what I give you, you spoiled bastard.".

I laugh as I jump onto the couch and turn on something on the TV.

"Wipe the grin off your face. Is going to the Mafia team that great?" Ron says, his mouth already full of food.

I glance at him, not wiping the grin off my face. "Why? Don't like that I'm leaving you for a better life?".

Ron scoffs. "You do know you're not gonna get paid half as much in that team, right?".

"Of course I know." I say, "But I also know that if I bring down the Mafia, I'll get paid times my salary now.".

"If you bring down the Mafia, you damn idiot. Did you also happen to know that no one has even sat face to face with the Mafia boss? Not in nearly fifty years?" Ron says.

I pick up my food and start eating. "Well, the Mafia team has never had me, have they?".


First day on the new team, an hour into the work day. I think it's pretty normal for one to expect at least that amount of time to be peaceful, no? Then, maybe I'm not normal. Or it's just...

"Wrong place, wrong time, huh?" Hermione Granger, the head of the Mafia team, as I learnt an hour ago, says, "On field on day one... Wow.".

"It's not so bad." I say, "Or should I have moved teams next week?.".

"Probably, yes.".

I scoff. "Well, at least I'm on the team.".

Granger raises her brows, impressed, I suppose. "Good mindset, although it will change. Give it a week or two.".

"Can't be that bad, can it? I really wanted to be here, actually.".

"Yeah? Well, I won't spoil everything, but, having been here since the team came to be, it gets pretty bad. In fact, I have a feeling we're on the horizon of a pretty big case.".

"Oh, are we..." I sigh.

The Papilio Art Museum. While being the biggest art museum in these parts, I've never been here before because I'm not much of an art person. Little did I know, you can also get a chance to visit an art museum if you're a Mafia chasing auror.

Following Granger, I walk into the museum building. I noticed a dozen aurors outside in the courtyard, and inside wasn't much different. There were eyes with drawn wands everywhere. Even in seven years of being on field, this is probably the most staffed case I've seen. At the same time, there is an out of place silence. The place is solemn, even the air heavy. I consciously stand taller.

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