Part 008

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Hands in my pocket, I walk home.

In one pocket is Draco Malfoy's written confession. In the other is the photo of the note found at the crime scene of Lucius Malfoy's murder. Both things are in the same handwriting. If I can just prove that this writing is Draco Malfoy's, the case is solved, clean and done.

Finally, the Ministry would have a actual evidence leading to the Mafia in a significant case. After all these years of only having suspicions of the Mafia being guilty with no real proof, we can, for once, put someone of the Mafia in prison. The Ministry really can say that the Mafia is in the palm of our hand.

If only I can prove the notes in my pockets are written by the same person, Draco Malfoy...

I sigh, kicking the leaves on the street as I walk.

Granger, the Ministry, the Mafia... Even the tactlessly clear sky is getting on my nerves.

How do I prove the Mafia guilty? How do I prove that the confession note was handwritten by Draco Malfoy?

I turn a corner.

What if I prove that I was kidnapped? If I can prove that, I could use the first letter Draco Malfoy left at my door to kidnap me in the first place, compare the writing on it with the confession note, and confidently say that my kidnapper, Draco Malfoy, is also the killer who hung Lucius Malfoy in the Papilio Art Museum.

I cross a street.

But how do I prove that I, a mid-ranked auror with no real power in the Ministry, was kidnapped by the Mafia boss' son, especially when no one even knew the Mafia boss had a child?

As I arrive at my flat, I spot a letter on the door mat. I pick it up.

Harry Potter

It's Draco Malfoy. It's his writing. Is he reaching out to me again? After killing his father and using him to send the Ministry a fucked up message about what he can do? Why?

I rip open the envelope.

Whenever you miss me, you know where to go.


Knock, knock.

I rush to the door.

"Hey." I say.

Ginny holds up an letter. "I don't really get why you needed me, you didn't do a great job explaining in the note, but I assumed it was urgent.".

I smile. "Yes, it is. Come in.".

"Ron never even asked me if I wanted to visit." Ginny says, looking around the flat, "Pretty neat place you got.".

"It's mediocre." I say, "Can we sit down first? There's quite a few things I need to tell you.".

Ginny takes off her coat. "Sure. Where's Ron, by the way?".

I sit down in the living room. "Still at the office. He's been busy recently.".

"Shouldn't you also be busy? You know, with everything happening in the Mafia team?".

"I'll get to that. There's a lot to say before we talk about it.".


"So, you're telling me," Ginny says, taking a sip of water on the couch, "last night, you were kidnapped by the Mafia boss' son, which is a person the Ministry had no idea existed, freed by this morning with a note from said Mafia boss' son that allegedly confesses to the murder of Lucius Malfoy, and to prove your theory of the Mafia Price being the killer of his own father, you need to get kidnapped again on purpose? And you got a working ban because of all this? And you won't be able to work a single Mafia case again unless you do?".

"You're calling Draco Malfoy a Mafia Prince?" I say.

"Isn't that what he is?" Ginny says.

I blink. "I guess so.".

Ginny blinks. "So? Am I understanding what you're trying to tell me?".

"Oh, yes. Perfectly." I say.

"And what do you need me for?".

"I need you to follow the people who are going to knock me out and take me to the Mafia's lair.".

Ginny chokes on her water. "What?".

I grab a tissue from the coffee table. "When I get to talk to Draco Malfoy again, I'll get him to actually confess with his own mouth. During that, you can hide out and become a witness. After that, he'll probably let me go, like he did before, and you can also get out of there.".

"What if you can't get him to confess?" Ginny says, whipping the water off her shirt.

"We'll still have proof that he's the one who kidnapped me. I have both letters from Draco Malfoy telling me to come out to Vulpes Street, which would connect to the confession note and the note at the crime scene.".

"What if he isn't the one who killed Lucius Malfoy to begin with?".

"You'll get to see 'La vie' in the Mafia's lair. If we can't get him for the murder, and that's a big 'if', we can still get him for the theft.".

"What if this letter, the second one you got, is a lie and he doesn't kidnap you again?".

"I doubt that'll happen. He's not the type to lie about things like this, things that don't even get him out of prison or something.".

Ginny thinks for a moment. She puts down her glass. "What if I don't think any of this is a good idea?".

I look at her. "Is that how you feel?".

She sighs. "Harry, listen. You're on a working ban. No matter it being fair or not, that means you have to stay put if you want to get back in the office again. In fact, this 'mission' you've planned might even get you killed, nevermind being able to work. It's too dangerous, too unpredictable, and too far-fetched. This goes for me, too. You could get me killed, us both killed, for a confession or answer that wouldn't send Draco Malfoy straight to prison anyway. It's not worth it, Harry. I can't do this.".

I sat for a while. Nothing crosses my brain other than 'what do I do now?'. All hope drains from me, all trust melts away, and all frustration turns into emptiness. No one is behind me. Not even a friend.

I stand. "Okay. I'll just do it myself.".

"What?" Ginny says, also standing, "No, you aren't doing this. Harry, it's really not worth-".

I walk to my room. "It's worth it for me, Ginny.".

She follows me. "What- Why does it have to be me, anyway?".

"Because this is your specialty, isn't it? Hiding out? Being undercover?" I say, pulling out a warmer jacket from my closet.

"Yeah, it is, but that doesn't change the fact that the Mafia probably has a lot to protect their lair. There's no saying I can even follow them without being caught, and hiding out close enough to Draco Malfoy to hear what the two of you are saying is a whole other thing. Like I said, it's too dangerous and it's not worth risking your life and mine.".

I brush past Ginny back into the living room. "That's why I'm saying you don't have to come.".

"Are you even listening to me?!" Ginny yells at the back of my head, "What makes you think you are going to be fine? Is talking to the Mafia an easy thing now that you've done it once before? Do you expect Draco Malfoy, the son of a murderous killer who made a crime cult around himself, to not harm you?".

I turn. "Yes!".

Her face red, Ginny sighs. "Why?".

I clench my jaw. "I... I don't know.".

"Harry, please-".

"I don't know why, but I don't think he's going to kill me." I say, "I don't think he'll ever.".

Ginny looks at me, still confused, but more seeming to realize there is no stopping the situation. "Are you sure?".

I sigh. "He let me come home last time.".

There is a long few seconds of silence. I watch as Ginny goes from unsure to trusting. With a layer of justice on her face, she looks at me. "I'll go with you.".

Long Live the Mafia Prince - A Drarry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now