Part 016

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It was all planned, foreseen.

Giving up 'La vie' so easily, watching me ignorantly turning it in, letting the Ministry take me, leaving me with no choice after that than to come back to him, becoming the hero...

The question now is, can you forgive a person who got you into trouble, but then back out again?

"'Setting you up' is a strong phrase." Draco says.

"How would you put it then?" I say.

"Oh, I don't know, a surprise? A gift? A prank? Honestly, does it really matter?".

I look at Draco. "You don't take the fact you purposefully got me arrested very heavily, I assume.".

He shrugs. "Clearly, I took it heavily enough to get you out.".

"But not enough to think about my life becoming nothing like what it was after all this." I say, my voice raising, "You do realize I'm a fugitive now, a suspected thief, murderer, and kidnapper? All because of your surprise. I don't even have a wand, that's how far down you've thrown me.".

I don't know what managed to keep me calm, even comfortable in this room, in the presence of Draco before. The familiar surroundings, the wispy violin, the general lack of energy, whatever it was, it's nothing but a veil, stopping me from seeing the manipulator standing before me.

Draco doesn't seem fazed, or to even notice my resentment. "I don't understand.".

I clench my jaw. "What about any of this do you not-".

"I thought you knew coming here would be the way to fix everything." Draco says, a softness to his tone, "Remember our trade? Remember how I promised to give you my confession, your friend, my everything?".

There's silence. A smile spreads on Draco's face, trying to convince me of his innocence, as I glare back, every thought going through my mind.

The trade.

Draco gives me 'La vie'.

I come back, Draco gives me his confession on his father's murder.

I come back again, Draco gives me Ginny.

But things are different now. All that Draco promises to give me, the fact I need them all hasn't changed, but the fact I've become a runaway criminal has. So what does this trade do for me now...?

Draco moves closer, almost fully on top of me, his lips nearly touching my ear. In a whisper, he mummers. "I can save you.".

I can save you...


I can feel my breath on Draco's shoulder. "I know you can.".


At his desk, Draco pulls out a roll of fine parchment. Picking up a magnificent peacock feather quill, he starts writing.

The silent sounds of quill on parchment echo the room. "You should rest. I'm sorry to say I might have disturbed your sleep cycle recently. I realize I've made you live my routine.".

I stare at Draco's signature elegant handwriting swirling itself into life. "You sure have.".

"Get comfortable, close your eyes for a bit." Draco says, dipping his quill into deep emerald ink, "Whatever happens will happen, with a recharge, or not.".

I blink. "You want me to sleep in your bed?".

Draco glances up at me. "Is that a problem? I thought I made it clear, I don't want to kill you.".

"I know you- Killing me isn't-" I say, "You know what? I'm fine. Just give me the note.".

Draco pauses, staring at me for a moment. Then he goes back to writing. "Fine. Enjoy being sleep deprived.".

I sigh as the wind blows on the window, the clock ticks by, and the quill scratches the parchment. Quietly, calmly, ever so still, time slows past, and the warmth of Draco's bed seeps into my skin.

I yawn, eyelids feeling like boulders. I guess it can't hurt to just close my eyes for a bit...


Harsh breaths thrust out of my lunges. My legs are running, my heart beating at double the pace. Like drums, everything in my body thumps, leaving every nerve numb and frozen. All I can feel now is trembling fear.

I'm surrounded by void. A void that closes in faster than I can run away. Or... I'm not running away. No, I'm running in.

Why? Why am I running? Why into the void? Why am I here?

A heart wrenching cry rings in the darkness. It feels like a stab in my chest, so deep, so brutal.

It's... Ginny.

It's the damn nightmare again, only continuing.

I can't do this. I know I have to, I know I have to save Ginny and fix everything, but I can't. I'm so tired, I'm so weak. This is how it ends, all in my hands, because of my mistakes.

I... I'm... I'm sorry...

I slow down. My limbs, by heart, my brain, it all pauses. I'm left in the void, all alone but burning tears, in the end I got myself into.

I sob, tears no one will see, guilt no one will forgive.


Soft. Something feels soft. Tingling, fuzzy, warm.

I look down at my feet. Wrapped around my ankle is the black cat, the one that came alive from a painting. It's fur soothing on my skin, I sink to the ground. The cat meows as I run my fingers through its hair.

"I kicked you earlier, I'm sorry." I say.

The cat purrs back.

A faint smile on my face, I look out into the void. "You're the only one I pushed away, and yet, you're the only one that's left. Everyone else is... lost.".

"Do you really think so?".

Startled, I snap my gaze to the cat, or, not cat, Draco?

He stands in front of me, looking down with a tender glare. His eyes glisten even in the darkness, majestically, alluringly. With his pale, boney hand, he reaches out for mine.

"They are not lost." Draco says.

I grab his hand. Supporting my shaking legs, he pulls me to my feet. I keep my hold on his grip, longing into his face. "But I couldn't reach them. They all fell away from me because I...".

Draco wipes the tears off my cheeks. "You can't lose the people you try to keep at your side. As long as you seek them, they are never lost.".

I sigh out a cry, my legs giving out. Draco holds me as I fall into his arms. His heartbeat by my ear, I let go of it all. All the hurt, all the terror, all the mind, I let them fall into sobbing tears.

"You can find them again." Draco whispers, "I will help you.".

Into his chest, I breathe. "I don't... I don't understand. Why? Why would you help me?".

Draco pulls me away, enough to meet eyes. "Because I seek you.".

"Seek..." I mummer.

"Do you seek me, too?".

I pause. Seek... "I do.".

Something sparkles in Draco's eyes as his hands grase my face, pulling me closer. His warm breath covers my lips, melting yet tensing. As the softest sensation touches me, a gentle heat swims out from my guts. My hands relax on Draco's chest as we feel, embrace, and seek...

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