Part 020

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The mission is supposed to be simple.

I have two problems with that sentence. For one, I'm still on the working ban Granger gave me, and so her referring to me in a 'mission' is breaking her own rules. Two, whatever mission that involves the Mafia, Draco Malfoy of the Mafia at that, has never been simple, nor will it ever be.

In conclusion, as displayed clearly, I'm not a big fan of the things the Ministry is ordering me to do. After accusing me of three different crimes they couldn't even perfectly connect me to, they want help from me now? Or, no, not even help. They want me to suddenly do my job as an auror.

The worst part might be that, for a second, I thought the Ministry cared about their employees for once. At first sight, they seemed like all they wanted was for me to get Ginny back from that forces of evil, but, of course, when things look too good to be true, they usually aren't. I'm more disappointed at myself for not seeing the second part of the mission coming.

"You have two main goals." Granger had said, "One, bring Ginny Weasley home. Two, get yourself an excuse to keep in touch with the Mafia.".

"I didn't realize there was a part two to this." I had said.

Granger looked at me like she was frustrated. "Top priority is on saving a life, but we can't neglect the fact that the Mafia is closer to us than ever. They've given us a weak point for once, and we can't let that go, not when so many innocent lives are trusting us to bring justice to what has hurt them.".

I'm only realizing, now that I feel such annoyance towards the Ministry for caring about justice, that somewhere along the line I have started to let go of my hate for the Mafia. Thinking back, I can't recall how that really happened...

Perhaps it was when Lucius Malfoy was killed. After all, the things that gave the Mafia the powers they hold were the doings of him. With the big man gone, it makes sense the original grudge I had with them is gone. Supported with the fact I had no real reason to despise them more than the average person to begin with. Ron was right. Why did I care so much about the Mafia? It's not like they killed my family.

Then again, the new Mafia boss isn't much better, is he? If anything, Draco is the one who kidnapped and set me up to get arrested, I should hate him more. Somehow, though, I don't. Oddly enough, unlike the thirst for justice I had about Lucius Malfoy, I don't have for Draco Malfoy.

But, why?

As much as I don't understand the reasons for Draco's behavior towards me, I confuse myself, too. Why is Draco doing all this to me, and why do I not want to kill him for it?

"What do we do now?".

I look up from the couch. Inside my head, I forgot I had friends over. These wonderful auror friends even walked me home. How sweet.

"Make sure I don't run off into the woods, never to be found, I guess?" I say, "Why are you asking me? Aren't you the ones with power?".

They look at each other. "How are you getting to the Mafia lair? When will you leave?".

I sigh. "I don't go to the Mafia lair. They take me, and I only have to leave at midnight to meet them, if early. Also, the Mafia castle is a better representation of what we're referring to, just to add.".

They look at each other again.

I sigh again.

Closing my eyes, I lean on the couch. I doubt these rookies will let me into my own bedroom, the best thing I can do now is get some sleep here...


Midnight came faster than expected, and getting knocked out out of the shadows happened as fast as I remembered. Just like that, as always like magic, I wake up in Draco's bedroom.

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