Part 019

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What was it that pulled you to me? I wouldn't call myself very special, especially not to a Mafia like you. If anything, people like you should be staying away from me, away from law enforcement.

I guess you were never the same, though, to any normal citizen, or to the Mafia. After all, normal citizens don't kill their birth father, and Mafias don't have passions for art and music like things.

Is that why you were not locked up in an attic? Because you were different? Because you weren't the son your father wanted? Even if not, I wouldn't assume you got along very well with him anyway. Going off my knowledge of your family, your father is a spontaneously vicious warrior, while you, well, aren't. Though I know you least about the Mafia, I did happen to notice your careful nature. The way to think things through, the plans you have, how meticulously you play them out, it's almost an art, nothing like Lucius Malfoy. You are thoughtful, calm, and smart.

Of course, your brain doesn't all run to calculated things like that, I have caught on. You are a creative person, one with taste, even. From choosing to steal 'La vie' of all paintings, to the specific piece you play on your instrument, I know you to be an art enthusiast. Thinking about it now, I should have known the Papilio art theft wasn't an act by Lucius Malfoy. It's not very of him to steal art, is it?

I, at this point, have connected the dots and concluded you stole a painting for that very reason. To send the Ministry a message, 'There is another you should be looking for.'. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. I should've known...

With mistakes aside, I hope you're proud of me for noticing your work at the scene of your father's murder. From the location to knocking out the aurors, the body hanging from the ceiling to the note, it had your name all over it, I will admit. The drama of it, the shocking view along with the terrifying execution, it's no question you draw inspiration from artistic areas.

Though, there are some ends that have been left loose, aren't there? How did you kill the old man? The Ministry seemingly hasn't figured it out yet. Was it a spell? A poisonous substance? A form of torture, perhaps? I have my bets on the second or third choice if any are correct to begin with. My reasoning is that, seeing the heat of hatred you have for your father, you wouldn't have let him go in peace with such a thing like a death spell.

If we get a chance to meet again, I would enjoy hearing about how right I am. In fact, while you're on that, let me add another assumption I'm also probably going to be right about.

You are a man of emotion. Of strong emotion at that, which, I will say, is an odd mix with how careful you are. I guess, to put it, you are motivated by emotion, and the way you execute your ways is with deeply considered planning. Your emotions don't make you impulsive, like your father might have been, but pulls you to be even more perfect. A sentimental psychopath, if you may.

Again, I have my reasons. People with non-emotional motivators don't hang the body of their kills, the body of their own fathers, for whoever is after them to see. Even if they do so, they do it with greed, a hunger for power. In your case, you didn't kill the head of the Mafia as a way to take his throne. You wouldn't still be in that attic of yours if you did, I assume.

The fact you kept your room is another key to prove my point. Even though the room is more like a prison your father threw you in, you stay there for sentimental value, don't you? You stay because you find comfort in familiar surroundings with feelings and memories carved into its walls.

I think you have no choice but to tell me I'm right now. Don't be fooled, it's not just you that sees through people. As for me, I learnt from the greatest master.

In the end, all of this was nothing but a build up to a big question of mine.


Why was it me? Why do you keep making me come back for you? Why have you kept Ginny alive? Why did you trade with me? Why have you done any of these things to me, to yourself?

It's not artistic, it's not emotional, it's not smart. It's not like you... is it?

Is this art? Is this filled with feelings? Is this clever?

I'm sorry I harassed you to get out of my head. Of course, I know you didn't listen to me, and so I hope.

I hope you're still here.

I hope you can hear me.


I open my eyes.

There isn't way of telling how much time has passed. For all I know, it could have been minutes or days since Ron left me in the room, just me and Draco.

I wonder what the Ministry has decided for me. Is it Azkaban? Maybe more interrogation? Or perhaps I'm only going to lose my job. Will they use me? Will they throw me away? Will they believe me?

What do you think, Draco?

"Get up.".

I look up. It's Granger, walking into the room.

"What?" I say, my throat feeling dry.

With a whip of her wand, Granger frees me from the chair. I blink, confused. She orders some auror to pull me out of the room. "You will do exactly as I say. If you don't, the theft, the murder, and the kidnapping will drop you straight to Azkaban. Is that clear?".

I'm dragged into the corridors and down to the Mafia team office. "What- I mean, do I have a choice? What do you want me to do?".

"What you were going to do, I want you to do it." Granger says, the office doors closing behind her.

I grunt as I'm shoved in front of Granger's desk. I can feel dozens of eyes staring at the back of my head. "I was going to do something? I don't-".

"Weren't you going to return Ginny Weasley to her home?" Granger says.

I pause. "You want me to save Ginny?".

"I want you to follow along with the trade.".

"You're letting me go?".

Granger sighs. "What about what I said hints to that? I'm not letting you go, I'm making you bring an innocent auror from the trouble you put her in. Before you worry, people will be sent to follow your tail.".

I scuff. "The last time I went to see Draco with another person, she was caught and imprisoned. You know, the person we're trying to get back? No one is going with me if you want this to work.".

"You don't have a say in this, Potter." Granger says.

"Not when I'm the only way you're getting Ginny back. Trust me, I've done this before, and, I don't know if you realized, but I want her back as much as you do if not more. I wouldn't be lying to you, is what I mean.".

There's a moment. Granger glares at me as thoughts fly behind her eyes. The silence lengthens until some auror speaks up.

"Ma'am, why should we trust him? For all we know, he could still be a thief, a murderer, and the very person who kidnapped Ginny Weasley. He could've even faked evidence and lied to us. I don't think you should let him go alone.".

I turn to see who's talking. I don't even recognize them. Considering the lack of aging on their face, they seem like a new auror in the office. I roll my eyes, turning back to Granger.

"Who even is that? Why are they talking?" I say.

"Zip it." Granger says.

I sigh. "So? What's the conclusion?".

Granger sighs, too. "Just bring her back. If you fail that, too, there's no second chance after that.".

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