Part 014

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"Shall we, how?" I say, squeezing Draco's note in my hand, "How do you plan to break me out of the Ministry?".

Theodore awkwardly retracts his arm. He glances out of the small window on the door. I follow his gaze to find someone standing outside.

I blink. "Who is that? Did they let you in? Why?".

"He'll get you out.". Theodore says, as he walks to the door and knocks on it.

At the sign, the unknown person creeks into the room. I stare at him, my brain in shambles and everything upside down. The man, it's Dean.

I look back and forth between him and Theodore. "What? What is- I don't-".

Dean, he has a look I've never seen before. He's usually the nice one, the people person, when we work together. Now, his expression is non-existent. If anything, he seems even scared.

"You don't have to understand." Dean says.

"Uh, yes, I do. What is going on?".

The two men both ignore me, as the team they apparently are. Before I can ask anymore, Theodore shuffles through his pockets, pulling out a flask. He then hands it to me as Dean and he watches me down.

I shake the flask. It has liquid in it. "What is this? Do I drink it?".

Theodore nods.

"It's Polyjuice." Dean says, "Drink it and get out of here before anyone notices all the security went out.".

I pause. "You shut off the security?".

Dean seems almost annoyed now. "How else do you think any of this is happening? Just drink up and go.".

He's the second person who told me to get out of my work place. Maybe I was just never meant to be an auror. Clearly nothing I do as an auror goes right... I sigh. "Okay, okay.".

As an auror, drinking Polyjuice is a part of the training process. What the Ministry makes it out to be is that, in the job, using Polyjuice and going undercover is a day to day kind of thing, but in reality, this is the second time I've even laid hands on a flask of it. It's impossible to forget the taste, though.

With a gurgling sensation in my stomach and a few aches in some joints, I turn into... Dean.

"Smart move." I say, looking at my new hands.

"Now, leave, and fast." Dean says, "The potion won't last long.".


I watch as Theodore bows his head towards Dean, him returning it. Then, unexpectedly, Theodore raises his wand in Dean's face.

I flinch. "Wait, what-".



Before I could think, I'm snatched out of the room. Theodore shoves me in front of him as we strut down the corridors, him pushing me in the waist once in a while. His steps quickly hit the floor in perfect distance behind me. Like an army soldier walking in line to the battlefield, there's a certain urgency to his movement.

I breathe. After the overwhelming wave of the situation dies down a bit, leaving worry and confusion behind, anxiety starts to set in.

I breathe. The halls feel forever long, the exit never to be reached.

I breathe. Every pair of eyes that pass seem to be suspecting something, a slight glance tightening around my throat.

I breathe. My heart rate rises as sweat soaks my palms again.

I breathe. I breathe. I-


Alarms go buzzing. People pause. An announcement echos.

"A suspect on the loose. Seal all exits. A suspect on the loose. Seal all exits...".

Theodore almost punches me in the ribs. "Run!".

With a grunt, but without considering my options, I start sprinting. I don't think I could choose anything else, anyway...

The good part about loud alarms going off is that everyone is running around, not just me. Best part, the Ministry doesn't even know who they're looking for, or at least, they don't know what Harry Potter looks like now. To put it into other words, my life is fully up to my own running ability.

"Do you know where we're going?" Theodore shouts through the chaos.

"Of course I do." I say, starting to run out of breath, "We're almost there...".

The moment we step out of the Ministry grounds, Theodore grabs my upper arm and apparates us out of there.


My head spins. Theodore catches me before I could limp to the ground.

"Bloody hell..." I say, barely breathing.

"Are you okay?" Theodore says, standing me up right.

I swallow dry saliva. "Sure.".


I cough at the bleak wind. The air, high in humidity while also being freezing, feels like ice particles going down your lunges. I shiver as chills scatter through my body. I look around. Where are we?

Giant pine trees grow into the sky all around me, piercing through clouds. The ground, soggy and soft, consist of moss and dead leaves. Though I try, the thick fog stops me from seeing much else.

Where did Draco escape me to? Does he know anywhere but his home in the first place? Is this where he lives?

"It'll be a walk." Theodore says as he starts into the trees.

I follow, rushing to keep up. "Where is this place? I don't know of anywhere like this in the country...".

I think Theodore ignored me. "Don't lose me, or you'll die out here.".

Sighing, I step over a huge tree root. "Yeah, okay. Really wouldn't want that to happen...".

Theodore glances back at me. "Just in time.".

I think he ignored me again. "What?".

"Made it out, just in time." he says, "The Polyjuice wore off.".

"Oh." I say, looking at my old hands.

Birds screech off into the gray sky. Even with the danger of falling on my face, I can't help but look around. Such a beautiful bundle of nature this forest is. The Magnificence, the scale, the power... No wonder Draco looks out of his windows as much as he does. I would, too, if this was the view.

"How much further?" I say, my legs nearly giving out to what feels like hours of tracking. Sense of time and distance has gone out the window a long time ago.

"Not much." Theodore says.

I groan. "Oh, thank you for that, honestly. Really gives me a clear idea-".

Theodore stops and pulls out his wand. With a wave, something appears out of the fog. Something big, huge.

"I said, not much." Theodore says, a gate, so big it still seems large against the massive trees, forming before him.

I look up at the structure in awe. "This is...?"

Theodore waves his wand again as the gates slowly open up. "The Mafia Castle, or, lair as you call it.".


Draco really is the Mafia Prince.

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