Part 023

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I rip Draco's hand off me, stepping away.

"You're sick." I say, gritting my teeth.

"Not a very nice thing to say." Draco says.

Ignoring him, I take a step away. "You don't get to blame anything on anyone. Whatever Lucius Malfoy did to you, it was wrong and abusive, but it doesn't give you the right to do anything that you've done. I don't know what you want from me, but if you think I'm going to let you go because I feel bad, wake the fuck up. You're not six and trapped in a tower anymore. You're nothing more than a murderer trapped in your own fantasy.".

My voice cracks, trembling. I don't know what it is that I'm feeling, somewhere between anger and fear, justice but confusion. Whatever it may be, it hurts, pushing tears to my eyes. I breathe a shaky breath, swallowing back the tears.

What's going through Draco's mind, it's an even bigger mystery. His attitude firm and stable, he almost looks as if all he talked about faded from his memory, as if he can't see me. Then again, looking very close, there's something heavy behind his eyes, somewhere also between anger and fear, justice but confusion.

Without a single sign to have even heard me, Draco takes a step back towards me. "No one has ever listened to me for as long as you just did.".

I move to back away again, but pause.

"No one has ever told me the things you tell me, either." Draco says, "The way you think you can use me, the way you come back for me, the way you trust me, no one has ever done that before. Why are you like this? Are you special, or are you just incredibly foolish?".

I scuff, the last bit of energy leaving me. "Ask yourself. Why are you doing this to me? Do you think I'm somehow different, or do I just look really fucking stupid to you?".

Draco smiles. He looks amused, having a lot of fun, at that. "Good question. I might have to think about that one. Can you give me a day or two?".

I blink. "Wha-".

"Your friend will be waiting for you downstairs." Draco says, walking past me to the door, "I know the trade is over now, but do come back tomorrow, I'd like to give you an answer.".

I stare, watching him open the door for me, processing.

Draco nods at me, waiting. "Go on, now, Harry. Go home.".


When I reach the bottom of the massive flight of stairs from Draco's bedroom, I am met with Theodore. Without much of an explanation at all, he leads me to an unknown destination. I simply follow him, no questions asked, barely having enough power to walk. Instead of trying to understand, to comprehend, I look around.

Deep into the night, the Mafia castle is nearly deserted. The bustling halls of early evening from the last time I roamed these corridors are no longer found, leaving only the image of what I thought a Mafia lair would look like behind, dark and silent. The air is cold, feeling even colder, moist from the drizzling rain outside. There being only a few candles lit once in a while doesn't help with the chilling atmosphere.

It's when Theodore turns a corner into a familiar hallway that I realize I'm being led out of the castle.

"I was told my friends would be waiting for me?" I say to the back of Theodore's head.

Not a single glance back, he pulls out his wand, "She is.".

I watch as he flicks his wand, opening the door to the outside. Then I see.

In the overgrown garden, on a stone bench, in the rain, Ginny sits. With her arms over her head, covering the rain, she looks... fine?

"Ginny!" I say, rushing past Theodore to her.

"Harry?" Ginny says, pushing her hair out of her face.

I grab her by the shoulders, scanning up and down. "Are you okay? Did they do anything to you? How-".

"He kept you here, too, didn't he?" Ginny says frimley, "You said he wouldn't do anything to you, were you just wrong? Is that what happened?".

I blink. "Ginny- I'm fine, but are you-".

"No, you answer me first. Were you right about Draco Malfoy or not?".

The rain starts getting heavier, soaking our clothes.

"Is doing this in the rain necessary, or can you do this at your Ministry?" Theodore says, walking up from behind me.

I turn to him. "Are you taking us there? There's a lot of aurors on guard in the area, I don't think-".

"It was ordered." Theodore says.


In still silence, I can hear people whispering. Soon, I can feel the warmth and the softness under me. A few moments after that, I can smell the stinging scent of disinfectants. As I open my eyes, a bright white light blinds me.

"He's awake, ma'am." someone whispers.

Some rattling and footsteps walk towards me. With a voice, someone comes into sight. "Harry Potter? Can you hear me?".

It's Granger.

I stare at her, confused. "What? Where...".

"This is the St. Mungo's Hospital." Granger says, enunciating as if I spoke a different language, "Do you remember anything? What happened to you?".


The last thing I can recall from my memory is Theodore knocking both Ginny and I out. Considering the Ministry has brought me to a hospital, I would assume he left us somewhere near the Ministry, knocked out, drenched in rain.

I try to push myself up to sit, to process things, but my head spins the moment I try. I quickly gave up. "Yeah, I remember. I'll be fine. Ginny will be, too.".

"Fine?" Granger says, her voice rising, "Look what they've done to my aurors, what they've done to you. This is not at all fine. It's an attack on the Ministry, and we will not-".

I sigh. "Okay, calm down. What the Mafia did is completely harmless. I'll just have a headache for a bit, that's it. Besides, Ginny is back, untouched. Isn't that more important?".

There is a moment of silence as the few people in the room look at each other, confused looking. What's their problem? Is being reasonable that surprising? Why are these people even here?

"Of course it is." Granger says, sitting down in a chair next to my bed, "Speaking of, how about the other part of the mission? Was it successful?".

I pause. The other part...

"Is there no way to reach the Mafia now?" a random auror says from the corner of the room.

"Oh, that part." I say.

...come back tomorrow, I'd like to give you an answer...

"It was successful.". Though, it's not really my credit.

Granger smiles. "Good. Was there a promised day or time of the meeting?".

"Not really." I say, "Just tomorrow night, I guess?".

Nodding, she waves for one of the aurors in the room. Her hand covering her mouth, she whispers to the auror. I watch as they nod at her order and walk out of the room. I look back at Granger. "What was that?".

"Nothing." Granger says, "Are there any other notable details?".

I glance around at the room. No one meets my eyes. "Uh... no.".

Standing from her seat, she straightens her jacket. "We're done here, then. Take some rest. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon to discuss further plans.".

"Sure, but," I say, "do I have to stay here?".

Granger blinks at me. "Why do you ask?".

"Because I'd like to talk to Ginny? Maybe take a shower at home?".

She blinks again. "You can talk to Ms Weasley, but I can't allow you to go home for safety reasons.".

"Right." I say, as Granger, along with everyone in the room, files out.

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