Part 015

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Perhaps the Ministry should call the Mafia's lair the Mafia Castle, too. It seems more than fitting.

Within the thickest, most dense woods, the gothic style church of a castle sits, housing the crime clan of the century. As if in need of aesthetically pleasing features for a non-existent audience, the castle boasts its delicate details and powerful height to the trees. Overgrown, yet mysteriously alluring, something about the building pulls you in, though clearly dangerous.

Before I could comprehend all of the mammoth that is the Mafia Castle, Theodore rushes indoors.

Inside, rough stone floors, small windows, torch lit halls, none of what I expected in the home of the Mafia is true. In fact, I'm greeted with the complete opposite. Perfectly laid tile, elegant stained glass windows, homey candle chandeliers, it all is an unexpected surprise. With people, seemingly Mafia members, walking down the corridors with casual smiles on their faces, I could almost say the place feels close to Hogwarts, a welcoming place like a real home. At the same time, though, it makes me question why Draco's room is so... threatening.

"Losing yourself in here is as bad as out there." Theodore says, a group of armed yet chattery Mafia members walking past us.

I nod, not paying full attention. It gets hard to do so when there's a whole new world before your eyes. I nod again, reassuring, as Theodore glances back. Without noticing the steps I take, we turn corners and up flights of stairs to, what I assume, Draco's room, the only place in this building that isn't a whole new world. It's only when my legs start to ache that I realize how far up we are.

I catched the breath I didn't know I lost. "Does Draco live in an attic? How many stairs...".

Theodore, not shaken at the slightest, climbs two steps at a time. "It's a tower, not an attic.".

"Same thing." I say, starting to fall behind.

"No." Theodore says.

"What do you have against attics? They're good space utilizers.".

He looks back at me then pauses, waiting for me to catch up. "Master's intention was never to lock Young Master in an attic.".

Dragging my legs along, I blink. "What?".

Theodore sighs. "You're out of shape for an auror.".

"Oh, okay, you're insulting me now?" I say, "Are you following orders or making friends?".

He ignores me.


Knock, knock.


He clears his throat. "Yes, Young Master.".

There's silence.

"Sir?" Theodore says.

A beat, then footsteps behind the door. Some rattling later, the small wooden door at the top of the several-hundred-stair staircase opens.

In the doorway is... Draco.

"Good evening, sir." Theodore says, dipping his head.

Behind him, I stand awkwardly. Seeing Draco in a room with another person feels somehow wrong, like someone has walked in on us. Or, perhaps it's not Theodore's existence, but more the fact that Draco seems to be ignoring all else in the world other than me, his chilling gaze locked onto mine.

"Leave now." Draco says, to Theodore, glaring at me.

I glance at Theodore as he dips his head again and, maybe I'm seeing things but, emptily walk back down the endless stairs.

Turning back to Draco only when Theodore steps fade off into the distance, I'm almost jump scared by him snatching me by the arm and pulling me into his room. I nearly trip as Draco closes the door behind him. Then, without a word, he walks over and stands in front of the window, the usual place I see him in when I wake from his knock-out spell.

With him there, just right there, everything falls into place, a comfortable place even. Unlike everything I've seen since the Ministry took me, this room is... familiar. Though once intimidating and cold, the atmosphere brings a sudden wave of relief that I didn't know I needed.

"Get on the bed." Draco says.

My heart jolts for a moment, the air suddenly shifting. "Wha-".

"Get on the bed.".

For a second, we make eye contact, and I don't break it as if looking at Draco would make him explain himself. After a few seconds, I start slowly following Draco's directions, unexplained. As I move my feet, as I climb onto the sheets, as my body touches the crisp fabric, Draco doesn't take his eyes off of me.

Then he smiles. "Better.".


Bending down, Draco picks up his violin from the floor. "Isn't it? Everything as it always is with you and I.".

I find myself nodding as Draco starts to play his instrument, his signature dreamy tune.

For the first time, I hear the song with full consciousness. Each note, each movement of his finger digs into my chest, swimming its way across my skin. Fuzzy, soft, and smooth...

I couldn't say how much time passed, whipped and swept, but the next thing I know, the tune is ending and Draco is putting down his violin. Maybe I wasn't as conscious as I thought I was.

"My apologies for rushing to set the mood as we know it." Draco says, walking to the bed with a faint smile, like everything else, as if deja vu, "I didn't even ask about your trip here, did I? How was it? Did you enjoy the walk, as you requested?".

I didn't even notice how close he had gotten to me. "It was... considerate.".

Draco leans forward on his arms, almost over my legs at this point. "Is that all? Considerate?".

"All I have left are questions." I say with a shrug, "I'm not sure if you'd like them, though. You seemed picky with questions to me.".

He chuckles. "I'll decide what I like and don't myself.".

I smile back. "You set me up.".

"Do you consider that a question?".

"In the way that I need an explanation, I definitely do.".

There is a split moment, as Draco watches the colors in my iris, where time seems to pause. "Would you hate me if I did?".

There is another split moment, as I watch the colors in Draco's iris, where time seems to pause again. "'Hate' is a strong word.".

Long Live the Mafia Prince - A Drarry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now