Part 017

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The soothing chirps of morning birds shake me awake. Slowly, I breathe, remembering, realizing.

I snap into mind.

The new sun of the new day shines in through the window as Draco sits at the end of the bed next to my feet, reading. At my sudden movement he looks up, an expression of mixed confusion and worry on his face.

"Good morning." Draco says, putting his book down.

I blink, trying to form words. I wipe my mouth with my sleeve. "What- I- Did I sleep through the night?".

Draco nods. "Although, sleep may be a bit of an exaggeration.".

A million thoughts race through my head, each of them rather not making sense or something I desperately hope stays as an imagination. "What do you mean...?".

"You really were tired, weren't you?" Draco says, tilting his head, examining me, "How tired does one have to be to sob like that in their sleep and not notice?".

"Sob?" I say, touching my face. My cheeks are still moist in tears.

Draco leans closer and I flinch away, biting my lip. "What made you cry like that? Was it me? Did I try to kill you in your dreams?".

I sit up straight, keeping as much distance as possible. I run my fingers through my hair, clearing my mind for reality. "I didn't mean to stay for this long, I... I'll actually be going now. Can I have your note?".

A smirk appears on Draco's lips. "Why the rush? We'll have breakfast soon.".

"No thank you." I say, scrambling out of the bed, "I really think I should leave. Right now.".

As I walk away from the bed, Draco catches my arm and spins me around. I freeze, Draco looking up at me from his bed. I divert my eyes from him, his face shimmering under the ray of sun.

"I don't think so." Draco says, "Right now, it's almost time for breakfast and I seek your patience.".

Chills shoot up my neck. I rip Draco's grip off of my arm. I tense, my voice shaking. "What the fuck did you do to me?".

He frowns, unknowing. "I don't know what you're talking about.".

Something rushes through my veins, leading my hands to the collar of Draco's shirt. Pushing him down on the bed, me over him, I clench my teeth. "Get out of my head. I don't know what game you think you're playing, but I don't want you pulling my life into it. Stop manipulating me.".

"This is a good angle." Draco says, continuing to smirk. "You look great from down here.".

I kill my urge to smash his face in and turn away, shoving him down. I close my eyes, feeling lightheaded.

I hear Draco shuffling himself up again. He chuckles. " You're very funny...".

"Shut up." I mummer.

"You can't talk to me like that. You're the one who kissed me.".

Gripping my hands into fists, I keep my eyes out the window.

"That's the truth, you know." Draco says, his smile seeping through his voice, "Sure I put myself in your dream, but the whole conversation, the kiss, it was all from your little brain.".

I snap. Forget the note, I'll rot in Azkaban if that means getting away from this psychopath. Not a single glance back, I stomp to the door. When I reach for the door knob, though, it puffs into thin air. I dart around, facing Draco.

"Do you really have to go, Harry?" he says, his wand pointed at the door.

"Yes, I do." I say through my teeth.

Draco rolls his eyes, then, with a sigh, summons his signed confession note into my hand. "Breaking you out once is enough for me. Just keep the trade in mind, will you?".

The piece of parchment wrinkling in my hand, I turn back to the door without answer. By then, the door knob is back in its place.

Just as I walk out the doorway, Draco calls. "Don't forget to seek.".


The mountain of stairs that almost killed me last night no longer feels like anything. In fact, I barely notice myself walking. Just a step, after step, I walk, trying to stay numb, to keep my mind straight.

You're the one who kissed me...

There's no reason for me to believe that. After all, Draco admitted to putting himself inside my head, why wouldn't he have done anything else? The unanswered question is 'why would Draco make me kiss him?', but that applies the other way around, too. Why would my subconscious kiss Draco? It's not like he's done anything to make me feel any sort of affection towards him...

"Good morning.".

I jump at the sudden voice. It's Theodore, coming up the stairs.

I nod.

"I was ordered to bring you back home." Theodore says, "I didn't expect you to be... here.",

I sigh. "Yeah, whatever. Just take me home. Knock me out if you have to.".

Theodore blinks, confused. "Did you not get any sleep?".

"I slept fine.".

"You sound like you didn't.".

"Why do you care?".

Pause. "Would you really like me to knock you out?".

I sigh, again. "If it works better for you, I don't care. Just get me out.".

Taking a few seconds, thinking, Theodore pulls out his wand. I take a deep breath, preparing to be fainted and carried to my home.

Then, Theodore stops with his wand in my face. "Would you like to remember last night at all?".

"What?" I say.

"It's necessary for me, technically, to erase all memory of your escape." Theodore says, "It's a sure way to keep the people involved safe. Although, if you'd rather remember everything, I don't think Mr Malfoy cares very much.".

I stare at the tip of Theodore's wand. Would I like to remember last night...

Don't forget to seek...

"I'd prefer you don't mess with my head." I say.

Theodore nods, putting his wand away. "As you wish.".


It's only when Theodore leaves me at the front gates of the Ministry grounds that I read, for the first time, Draco's confession note.

I, Draco Malfoy, confess to the theft of the painting 'La vie', and the murder of Lucius Malfoy.

The note ends itself with a simple signature.

There isn't even much to read, just eighteen words and a swirly name, but I keep going back to the beginning, reading it over, and over again. Confess... The theft... The murder...

What if I run away?

What if I run off to somewhere not even Draco could find me? Leave the Ministry with three unsolved cases? Hope the Mafia lets Ginny go knowing they have no use for her? Pretend all of this was nothing but one night's nightmare?

That would mean I don't have to see Draco's face ever again. That would mean people will forget all my mistakes. That would mean I can let the people I faulted live knowing I'm probably dead out nowhere.

But... would that really end this fucked up mess?

"It wouldn't." I mummer as I walk into the Ministry.

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