Part 013

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Tap, tap, tap...

The sounds of my fingers drumming on the table top mummer.

Tap, tap, tap...

Time feels like it went from flying to walking under water. As if someone is pushing the clock hands back every time it tries to move, every second morphs into minutes, every minute into hours.

Tap, tap, tap...

My brain, more than racing and crowded, almost feels fuzzy and messy, not sure what is going on to begin with, nevermind knowing how to act. Worst part is, even if I figure out this puzzle, there are so many more to solve.

Tap, tap, tap...

I see someone through the small window on the door.

Tap, tap, tap...

"Has a better explanation come to you yet?" Granger says, sitting down in front of me, once again.

Tap... "Has better evidence to keep me here come to you yet?".

Granger leans back, arms crossed. "I've already got the best one.".

I also lean back, arms crossed. "Same here.".

"Well, that's a shame for you," she says, "because the best you've got isn't getting you out.".

"What do you want me to say, then?" I say, "Confess? Feed you the lie you want to hear so badly?".

Granger pulls up a file. I watch as she slides out a list of names and times from it. I look up at her, confused.

"Do you know Ginny Weasley?" Granger says.

I pause. Suddenly, like breathing in a fresh thrust of cold air, my head bolts into movement. "Why do you care?".

"Because she's been missing for over twenty-four hours, and I have reason to believe you are involved.".

Something crawls in my stomach. I try to hide my pupils quivering. "Of course you do.".

Granger sits up straighter, taking a breath in. I wonder what speech she's going to give... "According to eyewitnesses, Ginny Weasley went home early yesterday, but right before she did so, received a letter from a 'friend'. According to the records of mail signed into the Auror Office this week, which is the list in front of you, the letter she was sent was from you. Also considering whoever the writer was was referred to as a 'friend' by Ms Weasley, and, on top of that, knew she was on a loose schedule after a bigger case, I have all facts to believe you wrote to her, being a family friend and also housemates with her brother.".

I blink, my jaws clenched. "And?".

"Do I really need to explain?".


Granger glares at me. I glare back. She sighs shortly. "No one has seen Ms Weasley or was able to contact her since she left work yesterday. She didn't come into work today, letters from her team have not been answered, and she hasn't been on any cases since she got off her last one which gives her no reason to be anywhere other than work or home. All of this, if you still couldn't put it together, means she is now reported as a missing person, with you as a major suspect to her disappearance.".

"Are you asking me if I locked her in my basement?" I say, a drop of sweat running down my spine.

"Where is she?" Granger says, not even a flutter in her lashes.

My moist palms grip onto my trousers. "Choose, am I here for theft or kidnapping?".


"Well, I didn't do either.".

"What did the letter say?".

"It's none of your business.".

"It is now.".

"Do you even have a motive?".

"I have evidence.".

"I have confidence. Confidence in that I am not guilty for anything."

"Does that come from another suspect to blame for Ginny Weasley's disappearance?".



"The Mafia.".

Granger slams her fist onto the table. I flinch. I can almost see the steam pumping out from above her head. "The Mafia? The Mafia?".


"Shut your dirty mouth." Granger huffs, "Don't you even think to blame the Mafia for any of this. This, all of it, is you. It's no longer about them. Not only did you steal a painting, you kidnapped an auror to do who knows what, and, if you're unaware of recent news because you were so busy with Ginny Weasley, the thief who stole 'La vie' is being pointed to be behind the murder of Lucius Malfoy, too. Do you know what that means? That means you're a thief, a kidnapper, and a murderer!".

She takes a moment to extinguish herself, breathing. I see someone come to the door, probably to resolve the situation, but leaves after Granger's sign.

"You think." I mummer.

"What?" Granger says.

"That means you think I'm a thief, a kidnapper, and a murderer." I lean towards her on the table, "You might be forgetting, your personal opinion is not the answer or the truth.".

I can see the fire burning in Granger's eyes as she stomps away, slamming the door on her way out.


...Except, Granger isn't all wrong.

I made Ginny follow me to the Mafia's lair, leaving her in the grasp of Draco Malfoy. I did kidnap her.

I lean my head on the table, my arms wrapped around my face. What have I done... What do I do now... How do I make things right again...

I need to get out of here. The Ministry accusing me of theft, kidnapping and murder, all of that doesn't matter. All that I know is that Draco still has Ginny, the Ministry is on to it, and the only thing I can do is to go back to the Mafia's lair tonight to proceed with the damn trade I made with Draco. It's the one way I can keep the promise I made to the Ministry, to Ginny, to myself.

I'll fix everything...

The door opens.

Without looking up, I groan. "Have you gotten everything out or are you going to take it out on me again?".

"None of the above.".

I pause. The voice is deep, definitely not Granger. I glance up.

"Who..?" I say, staring at the new face. A new auror in the office?

"Theodore Wolf.".

I pause again. Theodore... Where have I heard that name?

The new face whips out his wand. With a flick, the chains on me are gone. I look at him up and down, confused, as he pulls out something from his pocket and hands it to me.

"Am I meant to know you? What's going on?" I say, a piece of paper suddenly in my hand.

"I've handed off all you need to know." Theodore says.

I look down at the paper. Folded twice, it seems to be a note. I glance at Theodore before reading it.

You're welcome. I'm waiting for you.

The handwriting.

"Draco." I gasp.

Theodore reaches out a hand. "Shall we?".

Long Live the Mafia Prince - A Drarry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now