Part 027

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"And what made you think that?" I say.

Draco takes a breath. "The first I had heard of you, you were devoted to finding 'La vie', finding me. In fact, you were devoted enough to follow an anonymous note without hesitation, and to not attack or try to escape after being 'kidnapped' as you put it. So, yes, I think you care about me.".

I let out a dumbfounded scoff. "I'm an auror, did you forget? Being devoted to finding criminals is my job.".

Draco holds my shoulder. Bending down slightly to look at me straight on, he puts on a pitying tone. "Is being arrested for theft, murderer, and kidnapping a part of the job, too?".

With shaking hands, I grab Draco's jaw. "I thought you would know the value of taking credit for your own work.".

Shoving his face away, his hand slides off me down my arm. Draco rolls his eyes. "My 'work' was giving you the painting you wanted to repay for the affection you gave me.".

"Well, that gift of yours got me in cuffs." I say, "I don't know if I can thank you for that.".

"You don't have to." Draco says, stepping towards me again, "Though, I got you out, too, didn't I? I know one shouldn't offer kindness in hopes of receiving a reward, but it would be very proper of you to thank me for that one.".

"Why should I be proper to a person who ruined every bit of my life?".

There is a pause. Draco blinks at me lazily, as if bored. I grit my teeth, tring to stay calm enough to get what the Ministry wants, to get what I want.

"So," I say, taking a half step away, "I'm supposed to believe you repeatedly gave me no option but to come back to you because 'I cared about you'? There seems to be some gaps in your line of thought.".

Playing a childish game, Draco takes a half step back forward, too. "I didn't want gaps as much as you do, that's what it was. Don't you get it, Harry? You were the only person outside of this castle that even knew I existed, why wouldn't I want you in my life?".

My mind stops zipping, coming to a sudden break. Something quivers in my stomach.

"Admittedly," Draco says, "it was only curiosity at first. The idea of someone knowing I breathe this Earth's air, it felt like ascending into a new state of living. After all, a whole human can be birthed and die, and as long as no one knows them, they are no different from a person who never existed.".

Almost falling into a backstep, I stumble on a book cover.

Without a flinch, he continues. "Then it was this fluttering feeling of wanting to show my appreciation. It felt necessary to let the only outsider who recognizes me know that I acknowledge their presence and feel the same affection back.".

I feel the tip of my temporary wand up my sleeve. I should have just finished this before it came all the way here...

"The problem is, I no longer know why I keep bringing you back to me." Draco says, snatching my hand and slowly pulling me to him, "I can explain that you entertain me, though. You interest me. As a person who hates change enough to not leave this room after dad died, I even altered my routines and rituals for you. Going through the trouble to write to you before anything happens, trying to keep safe you and the people you care about, and even this I do after making sure you are willing to do the same...".

This? Before I can process, before I can move-

Draco suddenly pulls me into him by the hand, placing his other hand on the back of my neck. Then, like a gush of air blowing on my face, his lips place on mine, softly yet with certainty.

What could've been a second feels like minutes, hours, perhaps a pause in the fabric of time. From my hand, my neck, my lips, my body fills with heat, fuzzy strings running through my veins. My heart jumping, only to stay stuck on a beat, I share a breath with Draco Malfoy.

Then, something buzzes up my spine, shattering it all.

With full force, I shove him away by the shoulders. Hands and lips ripped off my body, Draco almost scatters to the floor, barely catching himself on his desk.

"What's wrong with you?" I yell, my tone louder than I expected.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Draco pulls himself up. "You let it happen.".

The buzz now in my skull, I stomp towards him, grabbing the collar of his shirt. "I didn't let anything happen. I let you talk all you wanted tonight, but I will not let you gaslight me again.".

He grunts, scrunching his nose in discomfort. "How many times do I have to say, you kissed me fir-".

"I said I will not let you cross the line." I say, my grip tighter.

Draco sighs. "Fine. Say I crossed the line, that I gaslighted you, and I manipulated you. Then why didn't you run away?".

I clench my jaw, my knuckles pale. "Shut your mouth.".

He faintly smiles, his eyes glaring dead at me. "I ask again, Why are you still here, Harry?".

I drop Draco on the floor, his head hitting his desk. Glaring straight back, I slide out my temporary wand down to my hand. With a sweaty palm, I hold firmly. The burn inside me whispers seductively the possibility I have in my hand. After all, nothing really matters at this point, does it? Who cares if I use this stick to silence someone for the rest of eternity? The man in front of me might as well be dead now than in a few weeks, right?

"I really made my death wish clear, huh?" Draco says, rubbing the back of his head, but emptily laughing through the concussion.

My fingers feel limp as I bring the tip of my wand to his chest. "I never cared about you, Draco, not for a single moment. I don't think I'm only talking for myself, either.".

Lying on the floor, he lets out his final sigh of laughter. "You're lying to yourself, you know. If I'm dead to you anyway, might as well be honest before you send me.".

"Are you sure you want those to be your last words?" I say.

Draco scoffs. "In fact, I do.".

"Well, I can't let the things you want happen." I say, moving my wand towards the window, "Long live the Mafia Prince.".

With a sling, my signal breaks the glass and fires into the woods.

Long Live the Mafia Prince - A Drarry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now