Chapter 33~ Enough Said

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There has never been a time in my life quite like the one I just experienced. Girls were girls, kisses were kisses, and attraction was superficial, fleeting madness to which too many fall prey to.

But Céline.

How can one explain the moment they go from attraction to obsession to love? She is like the tether of my soul to reality. The strength in my will to succeed. She is... exquisite. And very...very...


There is a part of me that understands, of course. But did she expect that I would simply leave the door open and risk the chance of her safety being compromised? She must not know me well enough yet.

I left her just minutes ago, pounding on her door and yelling the most colorful French she's ever uttered in my direction. It was without a doubt the best her French has ever been. When I had stepped outside of the room, Andre and Remi had been waiting for me. I smirked at their obvious amusement and discomfort at having heard what went on inside.

I hadn't intended to kiss her when I sent them out, and after I did kiss her, I hadn't expected her to return it with so much fervor--but she did. Her small, smooth hands had moved from my forearms up to my neck and into my hair. My hair-- now a knotted mess I'm sure. She had to stand on the tips of her toes to be able press her kisses to my lips. My hand travels unbidden to my mouth, remembering how she felt. She is going to be the reason I fight for the rest of my life.

Originally, I thought that the price of protecting her would be her hate towards me, but now I have the gall to hope that the true price of protecting her will be her love. And also her irritation if the sounds still coming from her video feed are anything to go by. The click of the volume button is the only noise aside from her rant about not knowing how humans work and something like not listening to her.

Remington glances over at Andre who returns it, hiding less humor than the former.

"Go ahead."

"So that's finally official?" Remington questions cautiously.

"I'm not sure," I muse airily, rubbing my chin between two fingers, "I wouldn't question it, except when I walked in earlier, you both looked pretty close." A low blow, but I didn't like that burn searing my chest when I saw their intertwined fingers and has planned to address it more cautiously, but apparently I have no caution where she is concerned.

"Tell me that's not why you locked her back in," His tone sounds darker, more irritation lacing his assumption.

"And if it is?" Both of my arms drop to the deep red leather on my chair and my eyes flick up to where he's sitting up straighter now.

"Then you're a fool."

Andre let's us have our moment, waiting patiently as he looks between us.

"I should have you killed for that statement." My voice is calm for now, "I could have you killed for holding her hand, or dancing with her."

"Then do it, Marius!" He yells, standing braced by his anger and I stand with him, "But do it yourself." He growls. "You want to be obsessive, possessive, jealous, and petty? Be it. But prove that it's worth the action by doing it your own damn self!"

The tension in my jaw is painful as I stare him down. "I'm not possessive." The words barely make it out through my gritted teeth a low rumble. "I'm keeping her safe."

He leans over the desk, "From who? Me?" His finger presses into his own chest and he continues. "You are in your own home, safe, and well-guarded. She could easily be freed to roam, but you're afraid that if you give her true freedom, she will run from you, aren't you?"

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