Chapter 18~ Absolute

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I don't know if I could react even if I wanted to. Seriously. The whirlwind of life-changing moments that have happened in less than a week... I can't work through just one before the next one happens.

Currently I'm surrounded by 4 guards, 1 in back, 1 on each side of me and Andre leads us without a word. I don't really have the energy to keep acting up right now, but at some point I will be grilling Andre within an inch of his life. Back in the dining room, his face revealed his emotions and I don't think he liked the way I was treated which means I have a better chance of talking to him- maybe even gaining an ally here.

We go up a grand staircase, down one hall to another and down again until we reach a door. This place is a maze and that doesn't bode well for getting out of here. I may need to consider alternate escapes than the front door.

Andre doesn't bother to knock before shoving open the heavy wooden door. His jaw is as tight as his fists and I wonder why he and Marius are on different pages if he just works for him.

My eyes roam around the room as Andre says something to a man at a large desk with many small screens. A few of them change to different hallway angles but most of the screens are focused on the large elegant rooms of the mansion. The room is very technical in and of itself. Lots of cords, and buttons, and there is even a frightening-looking lever that I imagine isn't something you want to have happen. There are a couple of computers around the room, each with a person behind it. One man types furiously away as Andre gives him some quick instructions and I see two of the screens change to a bedroom. I take notice that it's the only bedroom being observed right now.

I take as many mental notes of this room as possible even taking a couple steps further in before a hand on my shoulder from the brute that slammed me onto the table reminds me to stay put.
Andre finishes within another minute and turns quickly to head back in our direction. He nods at the men, "Let's go. East Wing, zone 11," he says to them leaving no room for argument but when they turn around, I stay put and stare at Andre who has been avoiding my eyes since we left the dining room. He lets out an exasperated sigh, "Don't test me, Céline, you have no options here."

"Or what? I'll be killed on the spot? I'm starting to think that's the better option." I'm not being sassy, just blankly stating my thoughts, but I do cross my arms to shove my disdain.

He lets out a grunt, "I can't even have the conversation you want to, Miss Bouchard. Let's go!" His tone is firmer and I can't help but have a chill creep up the back of my neck remembering earlier when I didn't listen. I have literally no idea what Andre would do. Just because he hasn't hurt me this far doesn't mean he wouldn't.

I turn and start walking, "So formal now, Andre," I say as we walk, "I thought we were friends."

"No," his grumbly whisper comes out, "Unfortunately we're not."

"Well, if it's so unfortunate..."

"Tais-toi !" He booms causing me to shut up as he commanded.

We walk from one end of the mansion to the other and I assume this is the East wing. The guard in front of me walks past a door and stops, halting all of us. The guard next to me reaches out and opens the door before stepping back. They are all waiting for me to walk in so I guess this is my room?

"Miss Bouchard, entrer s'il te plaît." Andre says in a firm but not hostile command. I don't give a damn. I'm terrified...I could tell as soon as the door swung open that it was heavy and the click on the latch was so loud I'm sure it could be used as a safe room. Perhaps Andre can tell that I'm scared. He speaks again lower and more like the Andre I met first, "Céline..."

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