Chapter 32~ You're Invited

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   (needs editing)

  Both Céline and I whip our heads in his direction, Céline sitting up onto her elbows while I choose to remain laying down. Andre is standing behind Marius and it's the first time I've seen Marius look amused when Andre is not. Something is wrong. "Even if he is hopeless," Marius finishes. He hides it well, but there was the briefest ghost of suspicion and I watched his eyes flick to and from our intertwined hands. Guess I'll hear about that later.

     "Marius," Her voice is quiet as her long lashes blink several times in surprise, "Andre," She gives him a weak smile, "I didn't even hear the door."

     "Would've been difficult to hear the door with the amount of vicious cackling you two were doing," Marius stalks confidently into the room, "I thought there were animals mating somewhere as they were being slaughtered."

     Céline's eyes narrow at him as she sits up fully, leaning back on both of her hands after removing hers from my own. I just roll my eyes and interlace my fingers behind my head. The money they doled out for this carpet was well spent. It's so plush that I could easily sleep here, so I'm going to stay here until I have a reason to get up.

     "Get off your ass, Bartus," Marius gives my polished wingtip a small kick and I question whether the punishment would be worth it for spending a few more minutes on the comfortable carpet. His sharply aimed daggers for irises tell me that it would not, in fact, be worth it. So with a very colorful complaint in his direction, I roll myself up until I'm on my feet and stand to smooth out my slacks.

     "To what do we owe this most gracious visit," I give a mock bow and stare unimpressed at his stormy presence invading the positive vibes of the room that I tried so hard to cultivate. He's quiet as he contemplates his words and I take the opportunity to return my dreads to their pulled-back state they had been in when I arrived at Céline's room. My eyes catch Andre watching Marius closely with a disapproving glare.

     "Are you..." Céline's whisper trails off and she clears her throat, but it was enough to make Marius eyes flick up at her after being pulled from his dazed stare at the floor. She stiffens at his patient gaze, if I didn't know better than I would've thought that is gaze was holding her frozen to the spot, but still he waits. "Are you upset about something?" She finally asks.

     "Yes." He says quietly.

     She waits but he doesn't elaborate and she squirms, "Oh." Her mouth holds the O shape while she looks anywhere but at him. If she had kept looking at him, she would have seen the way the corners of his mouth tipped just barely in amusement at her discomfort. He was probably thinking about how pretty he thought she was or how cute her awkwardness is...gross. Dude doesn't even realize he's obsessed with her.

    Andre gives him a nudge when he notices the obviously distracted young mafia lord as well and Marius instantly fixes his face, clearing his own throat to bring us all back to attention.

     "We received a letter," he begins, but Andre covers his mouth and coughs causing a angry grimace to form on Marius' face. "Céline has received a letter." He pulls a hand from his pocket now. In it, a small ornate envelope of cream and metallic gold. It's already been opened and I can only assume it was sent from one person.


     "For me?" My eyes are locked on the small card, "Is it Jacques?" I swallow the hard lump in my throat and pull my eyes away from the letter to meet Marius' unrelenting stare. He doesn't move or speak but his eyes convey the truth behind the fears hidden in my question. "Why? What does he want now?" 

     "Don't worry, Céline, we are not going to let any harm come to you," The deep timbre of Andre's voice is calming and a genuine soft smile of thanks warms my face. He returns it along with a stout nod of affirmation. 

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