Chapter 11~ Don't Talk to Strangers

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     "Quinn, where the heck are you?" I grumbled into the unnaturally chilly late December air. She was supposed to meet me before school for coffee. We decided to start getting up earlier like the adults we are about to be, but she is late and I'm assuming she turned her alarm off and fell back asleep. Seems like she'll do just fine in adulthood.

     I've been standing on the corner outside of the cafe for about 15 minutes letting the nippy air bite at the tips of my ears and nose. It's a refreshing feeling, cleansing almost, the way the cold cuts into you bringing every sense to attention. Cold air has never bothered me the way it bothers most southern residents, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I end up in a colder climate at some point in life, but I'll put those thoughts away for now and deal with one thing at a time.

     Shooting a text to her younger brother, Tyler, I let him know she needs to be woken up and he responds in his quirky way letting me know that he'll wake her up in a way that will make her never be late again.  Immediately I try to talk him out of being stupid and making me deal with an angry Quinn all day, but he sends back some evil emojis and I know it's a hopeless battle. In true twin fashion, I get a text from her other brother Thomas letting me know that if I'm the one that ever needs a wake-up call then he is the guy to go to. I send him some forehead-slapping emojis and shake my head. What a couple of goons they are.

     I met her twin brothers a couple weeks into the school year and even though they can be kind of a pain in your butt, they are hilarious and you can tell they really care for Quinn. It's almost like having my own set of younger brothers around. Obviously, this is just a guess because I don't have any siblings of my own, but it's a nice feeling even so.

     Even if Quinn ditched, I'm not going to waste this gloriously chill-dipped morning by missing out on coffee, even if I have to get it alone. I don't mind being alone so much, it's peaceful most of the time. The time with your own thoughts seems necessary to sort through life's chaos and get some clarity on occasion.

     When I open the cafe door I feel the warmth hit me, causing a welcoming shiver to slide all the way from my head to my toes. The smells seem stronger in the warmth of the cute shop and I take a moment to breathe it all in. The smell of the different coffees, the fog on the windows, various early morning customers scattered in their usual spots. Then I notice a gentleman I've seen in here once before, a couple of days ago. He stares at his newspaper and sips at his coffee, but there is something about him that feels familiar. His dark blonde hair stands out nicely against his darker roots and you can see that he takes his time with his hair. Even his medium-width chin strap and mustache are well-groomed. I find that an attractive quality in a guy. His marbled dark grey knit sweater is tasteful and I start to get rich-kid vibes from him even though he doesn't actually look like a kid, new adult is probably more accurate.

     He glances up and briefly looks around. When he sees me staring he does a double take and a warm smile takes over his face. My eyes go wide and I feel a furious blush take over my face. Whoops! Why was I staring?! Our eye contact only lasts a few seconds before he gives me a little wink and I put my head down, skittering awkwardly towards the counter.

     "Mornin', miss Bouchard!" The friendly girl greets me. I am pretty regular so we eventually learned each other's names.

     "Hey, Beth, just uhm..." I bite my lower lip as I study the chalkboard menu, "Hmm, it all looks good. What's the seasonal right now?"

     "Peppermint mocha, of course," she rolls her eyes dramatically.

     "Of course," I echo with a smile.

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