Chapter 19~ Pay Attention

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A loud slam of a door jolts me awake and I'm on my feet in an instant. That, of course, was a mistake because a wave of faintness hits me, making me go back down almost just as fast as I'd stood. I crumple to the floor, catching myself uncomfortably on my left wrist; hissing in pain as someone rushes over to me.

There's a woman's voice, "Oh, damn! Please don't be injured or I might actually be dead."

I widen and narrow my eyes a few times trying to wake up fully as I take her in. Her honey brown eyes are wide with observance as she looks over every inch of me. The color is startling and it matches her gorgeous straight hair. Her light to fair skin is completely spotless and it's that moment alone that brings me back to the reality of the state I'm in and where I'm at.

She is kneeling down by me now and speaks gently, "Hey, doll, you okay?" Her rich French accent creates an almost surreal woman with her color tones.

"Uhm, yeah, I guess." I move to stand, but putting weight on that wrist was a poor life choice. I cry out when the sharp flaming pain crawls from my wrist up my forearm and clutch the injury with the opposite hand.

She crosses her arms and gives me a pointed glare complete with a sassy raised brow, "Liar," she says flatly, "It is pretty bad then?" She inquires and I just nod. A heavy sigh is released from her lungs, "I'll have a medic waiting when you're out of the shower."

"No!" I raise my voice to both of our surprises and clear my throat, "I don't need that. I'll be fine, it's not that bad."

She grabs me under my elbows and lifts me to my feet with surprising ease, "If I don't have it checked and something happens or it gets worse it will be both of our hides strung up in a painful example, so you're getting checked." She left no room for argument.

I smirk as she turns to grab something off of the floor. When she turns around and sees my face she gets a confused smile and turns her head just a tick as she studies me.

"You're Simone," I state.

She lifts her chin, "I am?" It sounds like a question.

"Andre said you would be coming. I can see the resemblance."

Her head tips back as she laughs, "You mean you can tell by our cantankerous nature that runs so deeply in the family?"

"Well," I raise my brows briefly causing another chuckle. Even their laughs are alike. When she smiles, it reminds me of the first time I met Andre.

"My brother, you've been around him?"

"Yeah," I feel sadness creep into my side smile, "He was actually bearable at first," I pause and think of all the changes that have happened, "That is, until the evil overlord Marius took over and banned any sort of personality or fun." My voice is laced with irritation and sarcasm.

She stifles a giggle but quickly looks around- a bit on edge like she's waiting for something to happen. She shoves her arms full of fresh clothes at me, "Listen, Céline, I know that too much has happened to you recently and what's happening right now is... confusing, at best, but..."

"It's not confusing," I interrupt sharply, "I'm being held against my will by the head of a major criminal organization."

She runs a hand down her face, "I don't blame you for your feelings but you must listen!" The conviction in her words makes me pause...and I do.

"He doesn't want you hurt ever, at all, for any reason. But..." she puts her hands on my shoulders and looks at me closely, "he must keep his control of the Gray empire. If he allows any disrespect from anyone at all then he will be forced to..." She decides against whatever she was going to say, "You can-not let your feelings get out of hand when anyone else but him is around, please trust me on this."

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