Chapter 34~ Unspoken

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This chapter will be in the third person for the sake of the reader. Both parties are experiencing  complicated, heavy emotions that could cause emotional turmoil and even ice cream binges if you were able to see inside their head!

     The tension can be felt from anywhere in the room-- or so it seems to Marius and Céline. Their emotions are still running wild after the argument they had just prior to their arrival, but their faces are emotionless as both understand the reason they are here this evening. She must be noticed by Jacques, and he must be powerful and cold, a reigning crime lord if there ever was one. 

     Céline sits at the bar, staring hard at the virgin drink between her hands, while Marius continues to make his way calmly and curtly through important people who would be offended if he didn't say hello on behalf of his family... Or rather, the family organization. He despises these types of events for this reason, but tonight these niceties are especially egregious as he continues to recall the words she spoke to him in her rage. 


     The entire day had been smooth, almost blissful for the young couple sitting in the back seat of the unique sliver limo they were taking to the gala. Their hands were clasped and the silence was comfortable, but questions were swirling in both his and her minds, and they would quickly realize that waiting to have them answered wasn't an option.

     She wore a gorgeous, silver, fitted gown that made her look more mature, Marius was sure she could command any room she walked through with the way she held herself tonight. He couldn't help but wonder what brought on this confidence. Was she just that good at the societal game? Possible, due to her time spent with her aunt, but part of him hoped that his admission to her helped being out this side of her.

      His tux was a perfect color match to her shimmering gown, with emerald accents to her necklace and earrings. Her hair was pulled back into a high, slick ponytail and her makeup was heavier than he'd ever seen on her but it didn't look bad at all, it sharpened her eyes and made them look regal. With the way she kept drawing his attention, he wished more than anything that they could skip the gala and spend the entire evening in here like they spent the previous night. Andre, sitting up by the driver, would probably not appreciate having to stick around for that. 

     "So--" He ventured, "Talk as adults?"

     She turned to look at him with soft adoration, "Seems like it would be wise at some point." Even her voice sounds older, stronger.

     "Not now?"

     "There are questions that need big answers, Marius. They can't be answered in the span of this car ride." 

     "Try me," He clasped her hand with both of his and raised it to his lips to press a gentle kiss to each finger making her nearly swoon. The redness in her face was the only sign since she was able to supress the threatening giggle.

     "I'll prove it to you," She stated matter-of-factly, now rubbing her free hand over his rough fingers, "What's next?"

     "That's very vague," he deadpanned.

    "Exactly," she grinned as if she'd made her point but his brow furrowed in confusion as she turned to look out her window. 

     "Well, mon ange, do you mean what's next as in tomorrow? Or after we take care of Mesrine? Or do you mean after we go back to France?"

     At that she drops his hands as fast her face falls, "What do you mean, when we go back to France?" 

     "When we go back to Lyons, to my home."

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