Chapter 26~ Dinner...

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Quinn looks as cantankerous as usual. Rage seemingly causing her red hair to blaze into a raging flame, her skin turning a dark crimson from her anger. Can you fault me for the devilish smile I give her as she burns her gaze into mine? She is the first of us to look away, glancing first at my mother with a studying eye and then Remington. It doesn't pass my notice that her gaze softens as she moves over to Remi. Their eyes meet in some sort of sad understanding and I add that to the list of things I need to know by the end of the day. If they are having any sort of friendly or understanding communication, I need to know.

Celine is much more reserved in her emotions. The embarrassment has since slipped from her face and she stands taller when I observe her. The silvers and dark greens of her form-fitting evening gown cause her eyes to stand out in such a stunning manner. I let my gaze linger long enough for her to blush and turn away-- I may have even caught the briefest ghost of a smile. Even though I didn't get her to acknowledge me, it felt like a win. Once the girls, backed by the men who brought them here, have observed those attending the dinner, they look at each other, and Quinn's hand slides next to her to clasp Celine's, tightly interlocking their fingers. Though Celine doesn't falter, I notice a hard swallow and a slight flutter of her eyelids. She is more uncomfortable than I thought. this night may not go as I hope if she isn't feeling her normal self.

"Please," I break the discomforting silence, "Won't you ladies join us?"

They move together as a wall of feminine grace and rage as they move towards the table. It's at this point that they notice there are only two open chairs and they aren't next to each other. A single nod from me and Remi clears his throat, "Quinn, would you?" He stands behind the chair next to his and her nostrils flare as her hand gives Céline a quick squeeze before letting go and gliding to the other side of the table. The time I spent with Quinn while we were at the school, taught me never to underestimate her. She has many more --useful qualities-- than just her protective nature. But there's something in her movements, in the air around her that has changed in the past couple of months and I don't know what it is, but it puts me on edge. I didn't understand the amount of information I constantly needed to know in my position and it's both draining and motivating at the same time. I am always noticing things that put me on edge and have me making mental note after mental note to look into later.

She turns to sit and as she lowers herself into the chair, her eyes never leave mine. They are sharp and burning, but thankfully I'm able to keep a cool demeanor... even if the look makes me panic slightly inside. I wonder if she's ever considered joining the mafia. These strangely amusing thoughts that come over me now I can only assume it's from my time in an American high school- albeit an international American high school. Or the time I've spent with Celine...she's so...she was so lighthearted even when I was constantly giving her the cold shoulder.

"Celine," I croon and the tilt of her head as she turns is almost haunting without any emotions splayed on her face. "Will you be having a seat for dinner?"

A huff of air through her nose would say amusement, but still, her face betrays nothing.

"There's another chair," her only response.

"Is everything alright, mon ange?" I'm upset at myself for how soft my voice goes. I can't stand to see her like this. There needs to be a way for me to fix it or I'm going to go insane!

"Will Andre be joining us?"

I look around the table and everyone seems to have the same confused expressions.

"Unfortunately, dearest, Andre is overseeing some things for us this evening."

Her eyes flit in my direction and she gives me a strange look before she asks, "Us?"

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