Chapter 27~ ...And a Show

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My eyes flutter nearly as rapidly as my heartbeat in my ears. That's not real. He's not real. He wouldn't be welcomed here, I think, reassuring myself. Soft footprints start to make their way over the decadent carpet towards the table. Marius steps behind our chairs but I stay as still as an ancient statue. I don't want to breathe let alone move if that...that villain is here. Note to self: Why do you know so many freaking criminals?!"

"You made it," Marius' voice smoothly wraps around the room welcoming his guest, "We're glad you could make the time for us."

"Nonsense," his smooth voice rumbles over me with a light chuckle, "I was pleased to receive the invitation. I am a tad disappointed that you didn't tell her I would be visiting. I had a slight hope she was all dressed up for me." He pauses and I can feel his gaze when he says, "The green was the perfect shade to match her eyes."

Well, that was it. That was the moment I forgot who I was, where I was, my situation, my devastation, pretty much every sense of thought flew out the window, and faster than I even remember it happening, I was whirling, a serrated knife from the table in hand, and flinging myself towards the direction of his voice. My head pounded with the sound of molten blood in my veins. This disgusting man was not going to intimidate me- not this time.

My eyes met his only a few feet away and then I was directly in front of him. My arms were raised high above my head with both hands twisted into fists around the knife handle. I think Quinn screamed my name and maybe Remi called out to me also but I couldn't know that for sure. I was sure that I was going to stab this man if it was the last thing I do. The knife never hit its mark, though. One strong calloused hand gripped my arm and a smooth strong hand gripped my other. I struggled against them, but it was of no use. My rage vision slowly simmered down and I realized that Jacques was only gripping my right arm at the wrist to stop my attack, but it was Marius who gripped the forearm of the left. There we stood. Had it been a second? 30? A couple of minutes? They held tightly and stared with narrowed eyes. It wasn't malicious, but rather it seemed as if they were searching me out to see if I was going to continue my attack.

"I'm going to reach up, Céline, and you're going to give me the knife." Marius says so, so slowly.

"Why should I?" I demand of him through clenched teeth. Scalding tears are pricking my eyes but I blink them away, "How could you invite him here?! After all of your talk about protection, you invite him here?!" My voice sounds half crazed, even to myself. Jacques face contorts with a serpentine smile and my rage threatens to return in full force but Marius voice cut in to my violent thoughts like a wave of ice.

"I don't make any decision lightly. He is my guest this evening and I would appreciate it if you didn't stab him." How he can sound so matter of fact while still restraining me from stabbing is a true mystery. It's as if he has done this before. Well, dummy, he might have done this before. He has grown up in the mafia after all.

"I don't care if..." While I was speaking, and even as he kept his eyes locked to mine, Marius' free hand swooped up and grabbed the knife in my hand. The surprise and warmth of his fingers wrapped around both of my hands causing me to lose my grip and gasp. I tried to get it back but Jacques was pulling my other arm in the opposite direction and my hands slipped suddenly from the handle.

"Merde!" Marius cried and grumbled several profanities in his native tongue under his breath as he clutched his hand. I saw it then, there was bright red blood dripping from the bottom of his hand onto the carpet. I must've seen it just before everyone else, because Marius' mother suddenly barked some orders a few seconds later in her common tongue at the sight of the blood and I saw every guard around the edge of the room begin closing in. Jacques hands were suddenly on my shoulders and he pulled me back to him seeing the guards headed in my direction. We were backing towards the door where, of course, more guards would be standing right outside. I couldn't even think about his hands on me because of the fear gripping me at the sight of all the large men heading in my direction who wanted my head for hurting their precious crime lord.

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