Chapter 4~ Ugly Days

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     I pause, completely stunned into silence.

     Did she really just slap me in the face?

     Suddenly the sting sets in. My hand reaches up to my face as I turn to look at her. She has a cocky eyebrow raised as she sits calmly with her fingers intertwined on her lap.

     I've had men's hands cut off for less and yet I have no response for this-- this female. We are supposed to be normal teenagers, sitting on an American bus, but I feel the coldness of my upbringing boil in ferocious bubbles to the surface and turn my head momentarily, closing my eyes to gain my composure.

     Before I can respond, I hear her small but confident voice from behind me, "Je t'avais prévenu." (I warned you.)

     My head spins dizzyingly back around to see that she is sitting completely unbothered, staring out the window. I wonder if I see a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of her mouth and it makes me have to reign in one of my own before I force my mind back to the situation at hand and allow my face to return to its blank state. The audacity of her.

     "You owe me now," I address her flatly and she slowly turns her head back to face me. I see her confusion and continue, "That slap, perhaps a little harder than necessary?"

     "Perhaps you should ask before touching someone," she retorts defiantly, "I gave you more than one chance."

     "The redness quite evident on your face confused me," I may be speaking plainly but I'm trying to tease.

     "What are you talking about?" She grumbles as her cheeks tint pink once again. She is easily uncomfortable it seems and her clear fair skin reveals it unmistakably every time.

     "You seemed like you didn't mind with all of that blushing and..." I see her arm move out of the corner of my eye but I'm quick to catch her at the wrist this time. It's her turn to look surprised as we lock eyes and I let a confident smile make its way across my face underneath my narrowed eyes. "Tsk, tsk," I shake the finger on my other hand at her, "And here weren't you the one just telling me to ask permission to touch someone? How come it is now you that can't keep your hands to yourself?"

    My mission has been accomplished . Her eyes are furious and she's taking angry breaths. I can't physically harm her, and I wouldn't want to anyway, but I can certainly irritate her mercilessly. I've watched other teen boys do this and it always seems to hit their intended target with these American females. So easily riled up all of the time.

     "Let go of me!" she snaps.

     "Are you done trying to touch me?" My hand tightens the slightest bit around her wrist as she wiggles it to try and free it from my grip. I shouldn't tease her anymore because I have already irritated her to her own boiling point but I can't help it. I think I'm starting to see why the boys tease so much. It's actually a good bit of fun.

     She rips her wrist away and quickly turns to the window. I see it then, she has shut down-- this isn't a normal amount of upset or at all from teasing, "Get away from me." Her voice is quieter now and almost... sad? Did I hurt her feelings?

     Non, I don't like teasing, I decide. These big emotions are something I can't deal with, especially if it's my fault. I cause sad feelings all the time, a whole hot of feelings actually. But typically to enemies of my family or people who owe us and can't pay up, but I'm always trying to cause emotional pain in those moments and I don't care about how they feel. This is different. She seemed more resilient than other girls-- otherwise I wouldn't have done it. I'm certainly not trying to cause a scene.

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