Chapter 40~ Win Today, Lose Tomorrow

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     When I return, it is nearly sunrise. The meeting went longer than I suspected it would. I growl at the general irritation and exhaustion that have swept in since the meeting began with the Genovese. I should have known they would try to demand more and in my already injured state, I barely had the energy to keep calm and stand my ground. In the end, we worked it out without anyone being shot or killed... unnecessarily. 

     A couple of hours in, sometime around midnight, I was notified by my staff that she had woken up, eaten, and then asked for more, and seemed in better spirits-- even asking questions about how they were caring for her wounds, etc. It was one of the few good news I'd received throughout the night to keep me going. 

     Andre, now my second, was a solid rock at my side and gave off the confidence that I'm sure the two heads of the Genovese were lacking in me at the young age of 23. Remington, seeming older than his years on my other side, was able to counter any questions regarding numbers and legality. I made no sweet goodbyes at the end, commanding my second and third to get us home. I needed to sleep, I needed to eat, but mostly, I needed to see her regaining strength for myself. 

     Making the mistake of sitting for a brief moment was a really bad choice. I had no will to lift myself and climb the daunting stairs ahead of me. I'll give myself a few moments, I thought and looked around the near-empty foyer now. Things that were meant to be left behind were covered with thick white sheets. I'll not miss this estate even if it has its own sort of charming grandeur-- too much has happened here that would cause me great pain to even consider returning. 

     I let out a dramatic groan as I push on both knees to get myself to standing. At some point, I was young and strong right? Hopefully my hair won't grey faster from how quickly the weight of running our organization has sunk onto my shoulders.  One step up at a time, I make my way to the top of the stairway. I cast a longing glance towards my own rom, but know I won't sleep well unless I've seen her for myself, even if she's sleeping again. Maybe some color will have returned to her cheeks, maybe she'll have woken up and will want me to stay by her side again. A man can dream anyway, can't he? A million thoughts of the conversation about returning home pass through my head. Will she have changed her mind? Does she realize that I won't leave her behind? I don't want to do anything that might cause a rift between us, but I will if I have to. She hasn't said it, but she loves me back-- her eyes burn with it when she's angry and glaze with it when she's upset. It's the way she can't help but keep forgiving me and choosing to trust me even though she knows who I am.

     Jeremiah sees me nearly limping down the hall and stands alert, but I wave him off, "I am tired," giving my tender leg a tap and wincing, "and very sore."

     "Sounds like a rough mix," He chuckles, surprising me.

     I give in and give half smile back, "just here to see how she's doing anyway."

     His forehead creases, "She went to Miss Master's room nearly 2 hours ago. They had both been sleeping quite a bit and were wide awake. Seems like they had some personal stuff to talk about."

     Even though I shouldn't be surprised, there is feeling that begins gnawing at my gut, "I see. They were here together and decided to move to Quinn's room? Do you know why?"

     Worry flashes through his eyes as if I've accused him of something, "No, sir. I was told she is not supposed to be restricted her room anymore."

    I nod and step up to her heavy door, pushing it all the way open. Humming in confirmation to the question he didn't ask. My eyes roam the dim space. The bed is rumpled as it should be, clothes are laid on the end of the bed, nothing seems amiss, but the gut feeling is starting to feel a lot more like a warning bell.  Something's wrong, I'm sure. Whirling around, all tiredness fading with the feeling of dread starting to build, "Have Bishop and Bartus meet me at Quinn's room now!" I call over my shoulder. He doesn't argue and I can hear his footfalls swift and steady behind me as he barks into his smartwatch. 

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