Chapter 10~ He's Arrived

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     "Where did I set that...." I trail off, grumbling to myself as I pour over my desk. Things are going well as we prepare to meet Mesrine back on our turf. The only unfortunate thing about things going well is the amount of paperwork that good business brings. The goal is to be back in our comfortable home in Lyons by the first of January and so far it's all going according to plan. Or it would be if I could find the blasted financial report from our Southern Division in France.

     "Merde!" My hands grasp strewn papers and I start stacking them to try and bring some organization to this chaos.

     Anyway, they were able to weed out a few bad apples that were leaking information. Had they been any deeper in our operations, I would probably not be alive right now. They misinformed Jacques and his men on a few minor details that ended up keeping my uncle and I from biting the literal bullet. It's not the first time in my life I've brushed so closely with death's cold fingers, but it never changes that strange hollow feeling that chases you when you know you could've died.

     Since then we have been completely revamping our process of 'employment'. It's been grueling but necessary and after scrutinizing every single current employee through this system we were able to get rid of some liabilities as well. It's been worth the long days at work and the sleepless...

     A sudden 'ding' brings me from my thoughts and useless paper stacking. I reach into a pile of flustered papers to find my phone, but purse my lips when I notice that it's low on charge and I should probably do something about that with the meeting my uncle and I have with the board of one of our major 'business' partners coming up later. It's these little things that threaten to make me lose my mind. I would deal with other criminals and murderers any day rather than go over reports and find phone chargers.

     I'm hoping for an update on some security protocols I've been expecting for our home in Lyons but a smile inches up the side of my tired face when I see the name on the screen and I relax back in my chair.

     Céline: I know that you are not a believer in the current school system and the triviality of pointless exercises working together and stuff... But I swear if you don't put any effort into our current research project then I will become the biggest, least-bothered snitch you've ever met!

     A chuckle rumbles from my chest at how her sentences always seem to get away from her for a bit before she reins them back in. It doesnt matter if you are speaking in person or not, she is always the same.

     Me: What do you want from me, woman?

     Immediately I receive her response.

     Céline: Excuse me?

     Marius Gray, so help me Lord!

     Do you have to be the most difficult human?

     The texts keep coming and I laugh louder with each one.

     I am not doing what I did on our last project. You are participating, end of story.

     Got it?!

     Me: And if I don't?

     Céline: Then I will murder you and feed your remains to any school rodents that have managed to stay alive until this point in the school year!

     My lips purse as I contemplate my response to that creative threat when I'm startled by a voice coming from the doorway.

     "I don't ever remember seeing such a goofy smile on my son's face," I glance up and blink several times, "This is the office of Marius Gray, correct?" She looks around pretending to make sure she's in the right place.

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