Chapter 38~ Empires Fall

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    (Needs Editing)

  The guard rolls us in a singular trained motion and is instantly straddling my body, his hands around my throat. I thrash unsuccessfully and several more gunshots go off along with the continued clashing of metal. 

     "Andre!" Marius yells, even as the sound of crashing swords continues. "l'aider!" (Save her)

     Gunshots are still being exchanged and I imagine the other of Mesrine's guards is exchanging fire with Andre and Marius' other guard. A bullet hits the large man atop me in the back and he falls forward onto me, grunting in pain and making me feel like I'm suffocating under his crushing weight. I panic and scream but within seconds Quinn is there, pushing him off of me even as I can see how much it pains her and helps me to my feet. We stay crouched as we run to the edge of the room, hiding behind what looks to be a large covered mirror. 

    "We have to get out!" I say, shaking viciously. 

    "There's no way we're making it to the main door," She says, the panic evident in her voice, "but there's a servant's door on this side of the room. We might be able to make it there." 

     We're both breathing rapidly and clutching one another's arms. 

     "Okay," I breathe, "Say 'when', I'll follow your lead because I didn't see the door."

     She takes a couple of quick breaths and counts down, "3...2...1...go!" 

    She pulls at my arm entwined with her own and a couple of bullets whiz by, hitting the walls and furniture. We make it to the door and I cry out in relief when the knob turns. We rush through and just as it closes behind us I hear a sound that feels like it could only precede death. The door slams shut but I turn around, tears already burning in my eyes, "Wait, what if that was Marius?!" I shriek.

     She pulls, "Celine, we have to go. Now!" 

     When I hesitate she begins pulling me away and I can't stop the sobs that blubber out of me. We race down the various halls trying to find our way out of this maze of a mansion as fast as our anguished limbs allow. Even staying connected to Quinn's arm is like fire along my skin but I don't dare let her go. The lights are all off and I wonder if this part of the house is unused. But I can't lose her. We've made it this far...we'll make it out. We will. We'll make it out. I keep repeating the words to myself willing them to fruition. 

     When we make it around the next corner we nearly run in front of an open door with a light on and gasp in simultaneous surprise. Quinn seems frozen to the corner, I bet she is wishing she hadn't chosen me to be her friend for senior year now. I would be if I were her. My hand lifts to her face and I turn it towards me. 

     "It's okay," I mouth to her, "I'll check." She shakes her head but doesn't try to stop me as I hesitantly release her arm and plant my steps carefully until I can peer around the corner into the faintly lit. 

     My eyes widen. It's Simone. She looks like she's gotten into an office safe, perhaps Mesrine's personal office safe and is pulling things out and stuffing them into a duffel as fast as she can. She must have gotten free and come straight here when Quinn and I were trying to get out.  Turning silently back to Quinn, I mouth, "Simone." Her face drips into a wild rage, leaving all traces of her fear behind. And she stalks past me, slamming the door into the wall.
     Simone turns around, eyes wide, but when she sees who it is, she too turns into an raging female. Standing quickly, she meets Quinn face to face.

     "I knew you were weak from the moment I met you," Simone taunts.

     "At least I'm not a coward and a traitor," Quinn sneers back.

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