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You're in Saki's perspective .

Today was my birthday ! My brothers were setting up while Kanade was baking cakes and cupcakes with Hona-chan . Mizuki-chan said they were going to bring alcohol .. I hope no one gets drunk !

The place is ready ! We just have to wait for -

Honami : My siblings are outside the door !
Saki : I'll get it !!!
- Saki opens the door -
Tsukasa : RUI !!
Rui : Tsukasa-kun wait-!
Nene : I'll get it .
- Nene grabs the bag Rui's holding and Tsukasa jumps onto Rui -
Tsukasa : Hey , what's that ?
Mafuyu : It's Saki-chan's gift . Happy birthday !
Saki : Thanks ! You can put it on the table over there .

I was hoping Ichi-chan would get here first . I checked out all the windows to see if anyone's coming . Haruka-chan , Shiraishi-san , and Mizuki-chan ! I open the door and greeted them .

Mizuki : Ah , Saki-chan ! I got the drinks ~
Rui : I'll take those .
- Rui steals the alcohol from Mizuki and runs off with them -
An : Hey ! Kamishiro-senpai that's for everyone !!
Saki : Uhm .. anyway , have you guys seen Ichi-chan ?
Haruka : We passed her house . I think she's still getting ready .
Saki : Oh .. alright !
An : Happy birthday , Tenma-san !!
- An , Haruka , and Mizuki give Saki gifts -
Saki : Oh ! Thanks !! I'll put them on the table .

More people came . Still no sign of Ichi-chan .. people were already drinking alcohol .. All of the Kamishiro's were chugging down bottles ! Even Hona-chan ?!

Mafuyu : YOU'RE ON !!!
Rui : Count me in !
Honami : Add in some apple pies .
- They all start chugging down bottles -
Tsukasa : Oh my god .. Mizuki ! Why'd you have to bring bottles ?! I can't hang out with Rui at all now !
Mizuki : Hey . Not my fault they're alcoholics .
Tsukasa : THEY'RE WHAT ?! Ok ... Come on , Rui . No more alcohol .
- Tsukasa attempts to pull Rui away from the kitchen counter full with alcohol -
Rui : Hey ! I'm about to win !!
Tsukasa : Well , Honami won . So .. we're going !
- Tsukasa pulls Rui away -
Rui : I wasn't finished !

Well .. that was chaotic . It was probably worse than Ena-chan and Akito-kun fighting in front of Mizuki-chan and Toya ! I look out the window one more time . ICHI-CHAN !!! FINALLY !!!!! I open the door and hugged Ichi-chan tight .

Ichika : Woah ! Happy birthday Saki !
Saki : Ichi-chan ! You took forever . ( whispering to ichika ) Hona-chan , Rui-senpai , Nene-chan , and Asahina-senpai are full on drunk !
Ichika : What ? Who brought alcohol ??
- Saki points at Mizuki -
Mizuki : Yahoo ~ You're Saki-chan's girlfriend , right ?
Ichika : You brought alcohol ? While the Kamishiro's are here ?!
Shiho : Who knew Honami would get drunk .

Shiho-chan came out of nowhere it made me jump ! I glance around the room and see the Kamishiro's laughing while drinking . Some people also had some cups of alcohol . I notice one Kamishiro is missing from the group . Rui-senpai ! Where was he ? I looked around the room to notice Tsukasa and Rui-senpai having a talk .

Tsukasa : Rui , don't over drink while I'm around ! You're making me worried ..
Rui : I'll be fine , Tsukasa-kun . Trust me . And .. maybe it was a good idea to pull me away . I feel a bit dizzy ...
Tsukasa : Come on , you can rest on the couch .

For a second there , I thought they were gonna get into an argument . I start realizing that the Kamishiro's lovers pull them away from the alcohol .

Nene : ( shrieks ) E-EMU !! I'M GONNA LOSE MY BALANCE !!!!!
Emu : Nene-chan !! Stop drinking alcohol ! You can drink more in 10192937479201029465839292 hours !!!!
Nene : E-EHHH ?!
Shiho : Honami .. You should go get some rest . I'll help you ...
Honami : Sure ..
Kanade : Mafuyu .
Mafuyu : Kanade ...
- Kanade and Mafuyu stare at each other -
Mafuyu : Alright . You win .

Some people grabbed a bit of alcohol . I saw Nene-chan smirking a bit since there was still a lot of alcohol . Emu-chan then dragged Nene-chan to grab some food .

Ichika : Hey , is there cheese pizza ?
Saki : Yes ! Just go through the pizza boxes . And if you need to use the bathroom , it's upstairs beside Kanade's room .
Ichika : Got it ! Drinks ?
Saki : Alcohol or coke .
Ichika : Alright ! I'll meet youuu .. near the kitchen counter !
Saki : Alrightt ! And since everyone is here , we'll have cake in 10 minutes .

atp i'll js put some random convos 😜😜

Minori : AAAAHHHHHH !!!!
Kohane : It's just a gummy worm , Minori-chan !!
Haruka : Haha ! Minori , I can't believe you got scared because of that !
Minori : It's not funnyy !!


Emu : Tsukasa-kun !!! Whatchu doinn ??
Tsukasa : Making sure Rui doesn't escape to drink alcohol . He's playing on my phone .
Nene : He has his own phone ..
Tsukasa : Yes , but ... he says his phone died .
Rui : Hey , Tsukasa-kun ! Can we go to your room ? It's sooooooo loudddd ..
- Nene falls down -
Emu : WAHHH ?! Nene-chan ?!?! Are you okay !?!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!
Nene : I'm just feeling a bit dizzyy ..
Tsukasa : Anddd .. that's what happens for drinking too much alcohol .
Rui : Tsukasa-kun I want to go !
Tsukasa : Okay , okay ! We'll go ..
- Tsukasa takes Rui's hand and leads him upstairs -
Tsukasa : Tell Saki that if we miss cake , make sure someone brings us two slices . Alright ?
Emu : Oooooookayyyy !!! Come on ! Get up , Nene-chan ! You lay here and wait for me ! I'll go tell Saki-chan what Tsukasa-kun said and then I'll come back !!
Nene : Alright .

Saki : CAKE TIMEEE !!!!!!!
Emu : Saki-chan ! Tsukasa-kun said that if him and Rui-kun misses cake time , he said it's ok to bring them two slices upstairs !!! I think they're in Tsukasa-kun's bedroom .
Saki : Oh , alright ! GATHER AROUND EVERYONE !!!
Airi : Okkk !! So why don't we all sing Happy Birthday to Tenma-san ?! 1 ! 2 ! 3 !

- They all sing happy birthday -

Ena : ( is recording ) Make a wish !
- Saki blows out the candles and they all start clapping -
Saki : Uhmmm .. Hey ! Azusawa-san !! Can you bring these two slices up to my brother's bedroom ?
Kohane : Sure !
- Kohane starts walking towards Tsukasa's bedroom but notices Mafuyu going up -
Kohane : H-hey ! Asahina-senpai ..
Mafuyu : Oh ? Yes , Azusawa-san ? What do you need ??
Kohane : Do you mind bringing these up to those two ?
Mafuyu : Sure ! I don't mind .
Kohane : Thanks !
- Mafuyu goes upstairs and places the cake on Tsukasa's side desk -
Mafuyu : Hey , Rui . We're gonna drink again . Wanna come ?
Rui : Ye-
Tsukasa : Right after he finishes his cake . We don't want to waste do we ?
Mafuyu : Alright . But don't get mad we start drinking without you .

The Kamishiro's start drinking again .. I think my brother might be holding Rui-senpai back though . Me and Ichi-chan feed each other the same slice of cake . We talked for hours and hours until the party was over . Tsukasa offered Rui-senpai to sleep with him since , well .. Rui-senpai was the most drunk out of all of the Kamishiro's . He couldn't even walk properly !
Because of that , I offered Ichi-chan to stay . She wasn't drunk or anything , I just didn't want her to leave . I brought her up and we both yawned . Our family was too tired to clean up . Since I didn't have an extra mattress , Ichi-chan had to sleep with me in my bed . Since Ichi-chan didn't bring any pjs , I had to lend her mine . Which I didn't really mind ! I mean , it's Ichi-chan ! We both slept in the same bed , feeling really tired from the party . Today was the best ! Yay me !!

Ichi-chan hugged me . But .. she was already asleep . She probably didn't know she hugged me . I turn around and hug her back . Carefully , trying not to wake her up . I move myself a little lower to face Ichi-chan's chest . I dug my face into her chest , cuddling with her . I loved this feeling ... It made me feel all safe and warm inside . I fell asleep right away .

What is this feeling? ( IchiSaki )Where stories live. Discover now