Brutality - Rhea X Y/N

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A/N: This one was really hard to write. I'm sorry guys.

TW - Mentions of su*c*de, sh

Rhea's POV:

I wake up and I am in the back of an ambulance. What the fuck happened to me? All of a sudden everything goes black.

Y/N's POV:

I get a phone call from Dominik Mysterio... weird he never calls me, we only have each others number in case something happens to Rhea. Shit. I answer the phone and he starts talking, the only words I heard him say were "Rhea is really hurt, come to the hospital.

I get in my car, I don't even bother putting on my seatbelt. I drive about 80 mph in a 50 zone, I definitely drove through multiple red lights. I don't even care, all I can see in my mind right now is Rhea and how much I love my wife.

We've been together since high school and we get married shortly after graduation.

I get to the hospital and I run inside. I see Dom and the rest of the Judgement Day, "Where is she?" I say. "She's in there but Y/N I am so sorry she isn't gonna make it" Finn says. "You're lying she's going to be fine, she can't die-e, NO NO NO SHE CAN'T DIE I NEED HER, if she dies then so do I, I can't live without her" I scream.

All of a sudden a long beep went off, I look at Rhea and she isn't breathing. "Doctor please do something I can't lose her please help her" I say. They all just stand there doing nothing. "WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING TO HELP HER, YOU CAN'T JUST LET HER DIE, DO YOUR JOB FOR FUCKS SAKE." I scream at them.

I start to give her CPR, I can hear the boys saying things like "stop it y/n", "she's gone y/n". Damien drags me out of the room and I just run outside to my car, I drive to the house. I just scream at the top of my lungs. I take off my clothes and I put some of Rhea's on, I can hear someone knocking on the front door of the house but they are too late I'm going to be with Rhea now.

I head to the kitchen and I grab the biggest knife I could find. All of a sudden everything goes black.

I'm coming Rhea.


A/N: I am really sorry about this story but right now I'm in a bad place and everything I think about is depressing.

Rhea Ripley Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now