Just Plain Miserable

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Chapter 19 -
Just Plain Miserable

Miserable. Just plain miserable. And sad. And hurt. And ... miserable.

Adrian was miserable. It had been a week since she left. More than a week actually. But Adrian felt just the way he felt the day Niharika had left him. And Merlin wasn't helping him

"C'mon Adrian."

"Shit. Merlin. You're going to kill me. Get your fat ass off me." He said in between pants.

She stopped jumping on his back. He thought that maybe she would finally leave him alone.


"That's because you called me fat"

"That's all you understood. What part of get off me didn't you understand."

"Well I think I might leave you alone if you say that I am the cutest sister."

"You are my only sister."


Adrian turned on his side, resulting in Merlin to fall off him with a yelp.
He sat up and rubbed the back of his head where Merlin had smacked him.

"Well, you're up, now." She said getting up.

"Get ready. It's the first day of your third year and my second year. Better hurry." she said, leaving the room

Adrian wanted to be angry at his sister for waking him up. Waking up meant thinking about Niharika all the time. But then, he had even started dreaming of her at night.

He rubbed a hand on his face. Even if it was hard for him he had to get up.

With a sigh, he walked towards the bathroom. Threw open the door that banged into the wall. And he cringed at the sound.

Reminder to self- Never to remove your anger on a door.

Stupid door. He brushed his teeth and splashed water on his face. He looked at himself in the mirror.

Adrian was supposed to be the definition of cool and sexy.

The guy in the mirror looked like he hadn't seen the sun in days.
Well, that was the truth.

He quickly stripped down, threw himself under the shower. After a good bath, he shaved off the one-week's rubble he had grown on his face.

He tied a towel around his waist. And darted out of the door, directly into his walk-in closet.

A simple blue tee and white jeans. And black vans. He donned his clothes. And hurried downstairs with his sling back across his shoulder that hardly contained any book.

"Lookey here. Somebody looks like a human again." His sister joked that only irritated him

"Shut up"he growled.

"But it still growls like an animal." His mother joined.

"C'mon, you two, leave my son alone."Mike said, plopping down on the chair beside Adrian.

"You alright, son?" He asked

"Yeah"he grumbled .

"I do not speak any animal language."

"You people are insane." He said but a smile tugged at his lips.

His parents and his sister would know how to make him laugh.

They finished their breakfast, soft conversation tossing around.

Their parents decided to leave him alone and he continued munching down his french toast.

Door bell rang.

"I'll get that." His mother went out to open the door.

"Hey I am here" Justin came in with a huge smile. "Oooh! Looks like the bear is finally out of the cave."

"I'll punch the hell out of you if you don't close your mouth."

Merlin feigned horror and gave out a mock gasp. "How could you talk to my boyfriend like that?"

"Seriously. I grew up with insane people. " he stood up, kissed his mother on the cheek, hugged his dad and left with his keys.

He could only think about her, even while driving. The hum of the engine, the sound his bike made at the little twist of the accelerator. It reminded of Niharika. The way she used to argue to be the one to ride. He wanted to go meet her. Do something. If only she was in his college. He didn't even know which college she was in. He shook his head.

He pressed on the brake so hard the bike skidded a bit. Fuck. He was so deep in thought, he didn't even see the signal.

He dismissed all the thoughts of Niharika. He didn't want to come home in a body bag. Still, Niharika came to his mind out of nowhere.

He sped off to his college not bothering to wait for the red light to turn green.

He parked his bike at his regular place. He saw a familiar little girl walking behind two girls. Rena was nothing like the other two. Actually she was one of the guys. Well, the guys had laughed at her, when she'd walked towards them telling them she was there for the tryouts.

She whooped their asses. And well, it was only fair for the coach to make her the captain. She had an amazing strategy. But not only she won the coach's attention, she won the college's playboy's heart.

How stupid could he be? Aidan had been going on and on about Rena. He felt stupid for thinking that he had a crush on Niharika. He even felt like an asshole for being a shitty friend.

"Ree," he yelled

The girl turned and the look of relief on her face had him laughing.

"How can this girl go on and on about some boy hooking up with some girl at someone's party which she didn't even attend?" She rubbed her temple.

He threw his arm across her shoulder

"Oh Ree, are you sure that you're not a boy under this girl fcade of yours."

She elbowed him. A bit hard.

Something bumped his shoulder a bit hard. More like someone. He stumbled ahead but Rena caught him on time.

He looked up to find Aidan walking away from them but not before giving him a death glare.

"If looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under the ground by now."

"Oh shut up. He is just being mean because he is.... mean."

"Maybe he is just jealous. "

She scoffed. "Jealous about what? I don't think Shazia got a new fuck toy."

"Seriously, Ree? Shazia? "

"Oh yeah."

"He likes you, you know"

"Tell that to somebody who cares." She said and gave him a glare that said end- of- discussion

Oh hell, he had drowned so much in his own sorrows that he forgot all about his friends.

Well he wasn't there for them before. But now, maybe it's time to let go of the thing he was sulking about and stick up to his friends.

That's what she had wanted.

That's what he wanted now.


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