Atom Rocks!!

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Chapter 6 -
Atom Rocks!!

Niharika was bored to death. Aunt Angela was happy when she was back. She sat with her listening to her stories of how she had the time of her life.

When she finally went in to have a glass of water, Aunt Angela came out, all angry and was screaming loudly that why the fridge was so deserted.

Luckily Merlin wasn't home. She had ran off to Justin's when Aunt Angela said that she had rested enough to cook the dinner today. It was as if she expected her mom to explode on them.

Unfortunately, Adrian had stayed back. She not only exploded on Adrian but also told him to go grocery shopping. But she didn't trust Adrian alone. So she told Niharika to accompany him.

This time they took the car which Niharika wasn't in mood to drive. So she let him drive. The drive to the nearest grocery store was not too short. And the silence was killing her.

She sighed and wondered why it was always Adrian she had to go out every time with?

"You wanna listen to some music?" Adrian asked her.

"No, it's okay."

Cue the silence. After what seemed like a millennium, which actually was a few minutes, they reached there.

Niharika took one trolley and Adrian trailed behind her.

"Tell me what to get and I'll add it in the trolley."

Adrian just nodded.

After half an hour they were done shopping things that were on the list. But the entertainment aisle was what caught their attention.

"We still have time I guess." Adrian said as he looked at his watch.

"Let's make it quick."

And they both rushed forward. Adrian and Niharika had both run to the C.D. aisle. And both were surprised at that.

Niharika went through a lot collection but couldn't find one interesting movie. So she just started to walk down the aisle, when one movie caught her attention.

Ah! This was what she was looking for.

After collecting three more C.D.s of this and that she went to find Adrian.

"Wait! Where did you get that?" Adrian asked pointing at the C.D. in her hand as soon as he spotted her coming his way. "I've been going through this aisle like crazy and couldn't find it."

"Well! I did. I actually do love atom." She shrugged.

"You like Real Steel?"

"I love it." She said. "You done?" She asked pointing at his stack.
"Wait! You aren't buying all of that are you?" She asked pointing at all of the ten movies he had selected

"Why not?" Adrian asked back, crossing his arms across his chest and a frown forming on his forehead

" We don't even have that much money, Adrian." She said. She couldn't stop herself from smiling.

He looked cute with the confused expression. Brows furrowed and eyes roaming over all the ten C.D.s trying to choose which one he could choose over which.

"You want me to help you choose.?" She asked softly.

"Okay" he said reluctantly.

She stepped beside him and she couldn't help but notice how close she was too him. Instantly the memory of the kiss flashed in her mind and she got too lost in that memory of his lips moving against hers that she forgot all about now.

"See I told you it was hard, didn't I?"
Adrian's voice invaded her thoughts bringing her back to the present.

"No wait! Let me see."

She took out four movies. It actually was difficult, seeing that Adrian did choose all good ones.

After paying up, she helped Adrian place the bags in the back seat of the car. She climbed in the passenger seat and Adrian started the car.

This time it wasn't as awkward as before.

"I didn't peg you as the Real Steel lover." He said glancing at her cautiously. She felt bad that he had to talk that way with her.

"Well, what did you think I like watching then ?" she said acting like she was offended by what he said.

" You know chick flicks, mostly. No offense. Actually Merlin loves watching those. You don't wanna know how many times she watched Mean girls whenever all of her friends come home for their pajama night, as they call it. So I thought maybe you like it too. I'm not saying it's bad to watch chick flicks and -"

"Adrian." She called softly.

"I'm rambling. Yeah. Right. Sorry. I'll shut up now."

She chuckled at how adorable he was when he was so nervous. She thought that maybe he would loosen up if she talked to him a bit freely.

"It's okay, Adrian. I like Mean girls. I watched it once. I liked it . And that's that. But I agree with you, watching it twice or more than that is a torture." She said laughing and he joined in with her " And well, movies like real steel are more fun than watching two girls cat fight right?

She could see that Adrian was now slowly relaxing and he was actually listening to her every word.

She hadn't been able to talk so freely with anyone what with the tension ever present in the house. And she didn't have much friends in college either.

Before they knew it, they were home already. Funny, how long that drive looked when they were silent while it looked short when they were engaged in talking.

Adrian parked the car. Niharika took two bags and Adrian took the other two.

They placed those bags in the kitchen and took out their cds.

It would take time to prepare dinner she thought. And lying down on the bed doing nothing would be boring.
And she didn't know why she did what she did but she did it anyway.

She turned to Adrian
"Wanna watch Real steel.?" She asked

"Now?" He looked pretty shocked that she asked

"Well, it's gonna take time to prepare the dinner right ?"

Adrian nodded

"I had actually made the basement as our den. You know, me and my friends. Merlin keeps messing up with my games and all. Why don't you go ahead and get everything ready. I'll have the popcorn ready by then." Adrian said smiling at her

"Sounds great" she smiled back "but I need to change first. I'll be back in ten okay ?"

Adrian just nodded

"Atom rocks." She said enthusiastically. And Adrian just laughed.

When she was finally in the confines of her room, she noticed how freely she was talking with Adrian. She couldn't help but feel that everytime around Adrian her guard seems to be down. And she couldn't understand exactly why did she feel so relaxed around him?

After changing in her regular clothes she went downstairs and kept telling herself to be cautious. Because with Adrian she never knew why and how her brain stopped working.



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