Back To Normal

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Chapter 8-
Back To Normal

"Hey!" Niharika heard someone knock.

"You in there?" It was Aidan. Thank god, she had locked the door. Adrian would come inside and just walk towards the balcony. She wanted some alone time, so she had locked the door. She couldn't handle Adrian now, but Aidan was ... fine

"Yes Aidan?" She asked. She didn't open the door yet.

"Please open the door. I feel weird talking like this."

She sighed and opened the door.

"You alright?" She nodded

"What happened down there?" he asked

"Nothing" She couldn't tell him that she had exploded like that because Adrian had been getting on her nerves since the day she came here. Plus, talking so openly in tge car with him had kept her thinking all this time. So she had just found a reason to get angry on Adrian. She hadn't meant to shout in front of anyone. And he might have in some way reminded of her mother. She wanted to apologise to him but at the same time she wanted to stay angry at him.

"So mind if I come in?"

That's when she realised she had stood in the doorway, him standing outside. She didn't want to let him in. How could she? She never let anyone in. But you let Adrian come in her inner voice said.

"Hey Neha, you alright? " She looked over Aidan's shoulder to see Merlin climb up the stairs. That's why you're my best friend. She wanted to hug the hell out of her for saving her from this awkwardness with Aidan. It was awkward at the table what with Adrian glaring at her.

"Yeah. Hey Mer-" She saw Adrian come up behind Merlin.
She stood there silently. Awkward times two.

She shouldered past Aidan grabbed Merlin's hand and then ran back in her bedroom, slamming the door, leaving the two boys confused.

"What was that?" Merlin asked her.

Neha locked the door and rested her forehead on the door.

"Awkward" she muttered. With a sigh, she pushed away from the door and sat down on the bed.

Merlin sat down beside her and wound an arm across her shoulder.
"Are you alright?"

"No" she confessed. She rested her head on Merlin's shoulder.

" Tomorrow, you're coming with me." Merlin said firmly.


"Just come with me okay? I think you need to relax a bit."

"Thanks, Mer. For being here. For being my friend."

"Oh shut up." she playfully swatted Niharika's shoulder.

Niharika couldn't be anymore grateful to have Merlin as her best friend. Even if she knew she couldn't yet tell her friend about her parents, she knew her friend would be there for her, no matter what.

"So can I ask what's up with you and Adrian?" Mer asked

"I don't know"

"You and Aidan?"

She sat up straight. "What about me and Aidan?"

"You looked comfy with him."

"I did not" She folded her hands across her chest and frowned at her friend.

"Well, you sure as hell did. Why do you think Adrian was glaring at you?"

"I don't know. He anyways seems pissed off with me. Remember how he just got up and left that day? And he always seems to be glaring at me."

"Is that what it was about? You getting angry at him because he keeps glaring at you."

"No. of course not. It's just that- ugh." She starts pacing "It's just that I don't understand this- this thing that happens with me. And-and I try to make him go away, and then I feel guilty. I just- don't know okay?"

"Sit down Neha, and relax."
Neha sat down.

"I know you hon. Something else is goin on here right?"

Neha kept quiet.

"Remember how we were in school. You were this bold girl who didn't care what people thought. You were this person who would say whatever is on your mind.But now you're this quiet person, and I've never seen you this closed off. What happened, Neha?"

Neha sat there silently.
"Something. Something happened. And I just don't trust anyone." She hugged herself.

Merlin hugged her. She knew she could trust her. And that was why she told Mer everything she knew.

"I don't know if it's gonna be okay, I can't tell you that everything will be fine only for you to lose hope in everything. Just know that I am with you, whenever you want me, I'll be there okay?"

Neha just nodded

"But will you please, please just talk to Adrian about it. He's gonna be sulking in our room. And he acts like a baby. Save me please." Merlin pleaded.

Neha just smiled at her friend. "Sure. But will you be there."

Merlin just sighed. "It's not bad that you feel things. It's that you-"
Merlin stopped mid-sentence
" I think I should just let you figure it out. And no, I won't come when you and my brother are talking. I am not gonna take sides- oh don't you dare give me that pout. Nope, you gotta do this alone."

Neha narrowed her eyes playfully "You're one mean friend"

"One mean best friend" Merlin said. And they both dissolved in laughter.

For the rest of the night, they exchanged jokes and talked about all the things they couldn't when they were apart.

And for a moment Neha felt like everything was back to normal.


Hey guys sorry for the late update. Kind of got busy with my college admissions.
And I am also sorry for the crazy rant I updated long back. I deleted it btw.

So if you like this chapter, dont forget to click on that little star button.
Voting my chapter encourages me to update faster.
Next update, next week

but as I said if you vote, then I may updateva little early.

- Nami

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