Do You Remember?

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A very huge thanks to @RoseGrimmCahill. Thanks for your amazing comments. And yeah you said that there are grammatical mistakes, I'm working on that.
Thanks for your amazing comments and your votes too.
Dedicated to RoseGrimmCahill for the comments

Chapter 14-
Do You Remember?

I like you

She couldn't help but play his words in her mind constantly. Adrian was .... infuriating

Couldn't he just find another girl to like.

No. Not another girl. Somehow, Adrian chasing some other girl left a bad taste in her mouth.

Maybe he didn't know what he was saying. After all, he was drunk.

Neha had been pacing in her room. She wanted to strangle the idiot. How can he say things like that.

Niharika couldn't sleep that whole night. She wondered if he really meant it. And she couldn't understand why suddenly she felt butterflies in her stomach.

I don't like him, do I? She found asking herself.

No. I can't. I am not supposed to

She laid on her back, on the bed. Her legs were now aching due to the pacing. She covered her eyes with one arm. And before she knew it, she was asleep.


Knock. Knock

"Mer," Neha yelled

"What?" Came two snappy voices from inside.

"Rise and shine, my love" Neha yelled and pounded the door.

No response came, so she knocked a little louder

There was a thump, a groan, another groan, shuffling and finally the door opened.

Adrian stood there in his last night's clothes, his hair tousled, and red eyes.

"What the hell?"

She pushed past him with the tray she was balancing in one hand. She ignored him.

"Get up Mer"

"Go away" Merlin snapped, she covered her ears with the pillow.

Niharika just pulled the covers.
"Get up"

"No." Merlin groaned. But she sat up with a scowl and a glare towards Neha.

"Aren't you a ball of sunshine?" Niharika gave her best friend a big smile. She handed the tablet and the glass of water.

" That smile of yours is making me want to punch your face."

"Aww honey, don't you just love me." She said in a high pitched voice that made both of them cringe.

She took the another glass and tablet and handed it to Adrian, without looking at him.

"Freshen up. Aunt Angela had to leave for a meeting. But you're dad's home and he has this crazy idea of fixing us breakfast. Get up and stop him. God help us if he burns down the whole kitchen."

"Why don't you stop him?" Adrian asked, yawning

"How mean of you. You want me to break the poor man's heart?" She asked in a mocking voice.

Adrian nodded.

"Well, for one, I had my breakfast. So whatever he makes has both of your names written all over it. So get your ass downstairs and help save your house."she said and left before anyone could say anything.

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