1.Robots, Secrets, and Unexpected Visitors:

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Y/N slowly opened her eyes as the sunlight filtered through her window. She sat up in her loft bed, rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms. As she climbed down from her bed, she was greeted by the sight of her three robot friends, each patiently waiting for her to wake up. She smiled at them and greeted them with a soft "Good morning."

Y/N's three robots were a huge help to her morning routine. The first one, whom she affectionately called "Beans," was in charge of making her morning coffee. Beans was a small, boxy robot with an extendable arm that held a coffee mug, obviously, he's mostly made out of an old coffee machine. It beeped and booped cheerfully as it poured coffee into the mug and added just the right amount of cream and sugar, according to Y/N's preference.

The second robot was called "Socks." This robot was designed to help Y/N pick out her clothes for the day. It beeped and booped as it sifted through Y/N's clothes, picking out the perfect outfit for her. Y/N had programmed Socks to take into account the weather, her schedule for the day, and her personal style when choosing her outfit. She even connected it to her Pinterest and online shops so that when she pins something Socks scavengers the web for it or something similar, then all she has to do is approve the payment on her phone.

The third robot, "Bubbles," was in charge of tidying up Y/N's room, it was a tiny robot, but she equipped it with legs and tiny arms that Bubbles could use to navigate her room. It scurried around the room, picking up any bits of scrap or tools that Y/N had left out during her late-night tinkering. Washed her dishes in her small kitchen in the garage and it also dusted the shelves and straightened the pillows on the couch.

Y/N knew that she could technically do all these things herself, but she found that having her robots do it for her saved her time and gave her a sense of companionship. Plus, she enjoyed the challenge of designing and building each robot to perform a specific task.

As she finished getting ready, Y/N knew that she had to convince her parents that she was too sick to go to school. She wanted to continue tinkering. She knew that it was a risky move, but she just had to spend the day tinkering with her robots. She had been working on a new project that required a lot of attention, and she couldn't wait to continue.

Y/N made her way to the kitchen where her mother was busy preparing breakfast. "Good morning, Mom," she said with a yawn.

"Good morning, sweetheart," her mother replied. "What's the matter?"

Y/N put on her best sick face and said, "Mom, I feel terrible. I don't think I can go to school today."

Her mother looked at her with concern. "Are you sure, honey? You have that big science project due next week."

"I know, Mom. But I just feel so awful. I think I just need to take it easy today," Y/N replied convincingly. She knew very well that she could do the project in her sleep and that what she wants to do today will eventually help her with the project.

Her mother sighed. "Alright, dear. But if you're not feeling better tomorrow, we'll have to take you to the doctor."

Y/N smiled and hugged her mother. "Thank you, Mom. I'll just read a book or watch TV with my robots in the garage."

Y/N's mom peered through the window spotting the three robots peeking out the window, the bots were trying to see what she said. Bubbles noticed Y/N's mom and waves his tiny arm. Her mom waves back, shaking her head.

As she walked back to her room, Y/N couldn't help but be excited about spending the day with her robots. She called it quits last night as she nearly blew up her garage because she fell asleep. But today is another story.

Y/N had been working on her latest project for weeks now, and she was determined to see it through to the end. As soon as her robot friends had finished their morning tasks, she turned her attention to the half-finished robot sitting on her workbench. It had started its life as an old printer that she had scavenged from a garage sale. She spent hours tinkering with wires and circuits, testing and adjusting each component until she was satisfied with its performance.

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