3. Dinner at the Garcia Family

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Y/N had always been an early riser, but today was different. She groaned as she slowly climbed out of bed, feeling the weight of the previous day's work still lingering in her muscles. "Whoa!" she yelled as she almost missed the edge of the loft, her heart racing from the sudden jolt. She knew she had to be more careful.

As she climbed down the ladder, she stretched her arms and legs, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep. She threw on a pair of baggy shorts and a loose tank top, wanting to be comfortable for the day ahead. Y/N's passion for robotics had been a constant in her life, and she knew that there was always something to be tinkered with.

She spent the rest of the morning hunched over her workbench, carefully soldering circuits and tightening screws. The rain started to pour outside, the drops drumming against the metal roof of her garage. Y/N could see the light start to fade as the clouds blocked out the sun, casting everything in a gloomy shade of gray.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom and a bright flash of lightning that illuminated the entire room. Socks jumped out from under her loft and scurried over to her, its metal legs clattering against the concrete floor. Y/N bent down and picked Socks up, gently cradling it in her arms. "Hey there, buddy," she cooed softly. "It's okay, I'm here." She stroked the robot's sleek metal body to calm its circuits.

"I think we need to add a thunderstorm mode to your programming," Y/N said, half-jokingly. Socks beeped in response, and Y/N chuckled. It was moments like these that made her grateful for her robots. They might not be human, but they were her companions in this solitary world of tinkering and inventing.

As the rain continued to fall outside, Y/N decided to read her grandpa's notebooks, Socks nestled in her lap. They worked in silence, the only sound the occasional beep or hum from one of the other robots in the garage. Y/N was lost in thought, her mind focused on the delicate work before her.

Y/N chuckled as Socks scurried off to her closet, a blur of metal and circuitry. She had programmed the robot to help her and Socks took the job very seriously. As Y/N stood up, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and groaned. She was still in her shorts and tank top, hardly dressed for dinner.

Isabella was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. "Come on, Y/N! Peter's almost here!" she exclaimed, grabbing her sister's arm and pulling her towards the door. "You don't want to keep him waiting!"

Y/N rolled her eyes. Peter was a friend, nothing more. But she knew that Isabella had a crush on him and was eager to play matchmaker. She spied on him from the her room last time he arrived. 

"Mijo, get changed! Dinner is almost ready! It's your favorite - enchiladas!" Y/N's mom followed her sister into the room.

Y/N looked in the mirror, adjusting her dress and brushing her hair until it shone. She couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her stomach as she got prepared. Meanwhile, Bubbles, one of her robots, was hard at work cleaning up the garage, dragging scraps of metal and other debris into the corner where it couldn't be seen. Y/N smiled at the little robot's efforts.

Finally, there was a knock on the door, and Y/N's heart skipped a beat. She hurried to answer it, trying to contain her eagerness. When she opened the door, there stood Peter, dressed in black chino pants and a button-up shirt. Y/N's father eyed him suspiciously, making Peter feel a bit nervous. Y/N nudged him gently to come in.

Y/N's mother appeared from the kitchen, carrying a steaming dish of enchiladas. "¡Buen provecho! (Enjoy!)" she said, setting the plates down on the table. Y/N's family had always been big on traditional Mexican cuisine, and they had spared no expense for this special occasion.

They all sat down to eat, and Y/N's father tried to intimidate Peter with his questions. "So, Peter, tell me, what do you see yourself doing after graduation?"

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