4. Secrets from the past:

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Weeks passed after Peter visited the Garcia family. Y/N's eyes dwindled toward Peter, but nothing more than that happened. Peter didn't make a move and neither was Y/N planning to.

But just as Peter met her parents, it was time for Y/N to meet May.

Y/N found herself sitting at the Parker residence, her eyes taking in the cozy surroundings of Peter's home. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of a home-cooked feast, making her stomach growl in anticipation. Aunt May had whipped up a spread that looked absolutely mouthwatering, and Y/N couldn't wait to dive in.

Aunt May came over to the table, beaming with pride as she set a plate piled high with delicious food in front of Y/N. The vibrant colors and enticing smells made her mouth water. Y/N picked up her fork, excitement dancing in her eyes.

"Wow, Aunt May, this looks freakin' amazing!" Y/N exclaimed, and her enthusiasm shined through.

Aunt May chuckled, her eyes twinkling with delight. "I'm glad you think so, sweetie. Dig in and enjoy!"

Y/N wasted no time and took a big bite, savoring the explosion of flavors in her mouth. The chicken was tender and juicy, bursting with herbs and spices that made her taste buds dance with joy.

Peter, grinning mischievously from across the table, chimed in. "Told ya Aunt May's cooking is top-notch. Once you've had a taste, you'll keep coming back for more."

Y/N nodded enthusiastically, her mouth full. "No kidding, Peter. Your aunt is a culinary genius!"

As Y/N savored each bite of the delicious meal, Peter's excitement bubbled over. He couldn't contain himself any longer and leaned in closer to Y/N.

"Hey, Y/N, I've got something to ask you," Peter said, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What is it, Peter?"

He took a deep breath, his enthusiasm was evident. "Well, there's this upcoming event called the Stark Expo, and it's going to be incredible. They showcase all the latest technological advancements, and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the Stark Expo. It reminded her of her grandfather and his colleagues. A flood of unanswered questions rushed through her mind, but she kept her composure.

She hesitated momentarily, her eyes briefly glancing down at her plate. "Maybe Howard's son could get me more information on Grandpa's research." She thought to herself.

"Sure, Peter," Y/N replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "That sounds like fun."

Peter grinned, relieved by her positive response. "Awesome! It'll be a blast, I promise."

As the conversation shifted to other topics, Y/N couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension brewing within her. But for now, she kept those thoughts to herself, focusing on the present moment and enjoying the warm company of the Parker family.

Lost in her musings, Y/N stared into the distance, her eyes glazed over as her mind raced through possibilities.

Aunt May's voice snapped Y/N back to reality. "Y/N, dear, are you okay? You seem a million miles away."

Y/N blinked and smiled, trying to hide her inner turmoil. "Oh, sorry, Aunt May. I was just thinking about something. Everything's fine."

Peter, ever perceptive, looked at her with concern. "Are you sure, Y/N? You seemed pretty deep in thought just now."

She gave him a reassuring nod, suppressing the urge to spill her thoughts. "Yeah, Pete, I'm fine. Just thinking about how fun the expo is going to be!"

With the satisfying meal coming to an end, Y/N and Peter gathered the dishes, ready to tackle the aftermath. Aunt May insisted on taking a break and enjoying a cup of tea while the young pair took charge of the kitchen.

Brain and Brawn ( Peter Parker x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now