9. Into the Unknown

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Y/N carefully activates the Pym Particles she had developed, watching as Beans and Socks, her trusty companions, shrink down to miniature size. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, she gently places them in a safe container for the journey ahead.

Packing her essentials, Y/N's mom drives her to the Avengers building. Y/N gazes at the iconic structure, noting how different it appears in the daylight compared to the mysterious aura it exudes at night.

Y/N walks through the familiar corridors, her footsteps echoing against the polished floors. She passes by rooms filled with advanced equipment, glimpsing into the world of superheroes and their incredible capabilities, although she has seen all of them before. The air hums with anticipation, fueling her excitement and trepidation simultaneously.

Just as she reaches the entrance to the hangar where the ship awaits, Y/N's mom stops her, a mixture of pride and concern etched on her face. She pulls her daughter into a tight embrace.

"Y/N, mi amor, be safe," her mom whispers, "I can't help but worry about you, but I know this is important to you. Remember to trust your instincts and be careful, and be on your best behavior! Show the Germans everything you've got!"

Y/N's eyes well up with tears, a mixture of gratitude and determination filling her heart. She holds her mom in her arms, squeezing her gently. "I'll be careful, Mom. I promise. This is an opportunity I can't pass up, and I'll do everything I can to make you proud."

Her mom smiles through her tears, pride shining in her eyes. "I'm already proud of you, mi Valiente Y/N. You have a kind heart and an unwavering spirit. Just remember to stay true to yourself amidst all the chaos."

Y/N nods, her voice filled with conviction. "I love you, Mom."

With one last embrace, Y/N takes a deep breath and walks towards the waiting ship. As she climbs aboard, her mom watches her with a mix of emotions, silently sending her wishes for a safe and successful journey.

Inside, Tony has prepared a private jet for their journey. He informs Y/N that he decided to send the others he had initially planned to bring on a separate jet, emphasizing the importance of their mission.

As they settle into the jet, Y/N turns to Tony, curiosity shining in her eyes. "Why are we going to Germany, Mr. Stark?"

Tony leans back, contemplating his response. "It's complicated Y/N, I'll explain everything when we get there."

Y/N furrows her brow, her confusion evident. "Fine, but just tell me this, why did Captain America turn against you?"

Tony's demeanor tightens, and he responds with an edge in his voice. "Believe me kid, if I could tell you I would. But like Cap would say, there's a lot going on here you wouldn't understand. Steve is wrong for what he's doing, but he thinks he's right, which makes him dangerous. You understand that right, kiddo?"

"Yeah..." she mutters, her shoulders falling as she feels left in the dark

"Listen, kid, just as you want to keep your people safe, so do I. But Cap doesn't want to sign the Sokovia Accords, he doesn't see the fact that this would keep everybody safe."

"Safe from who!" She spits out. Y/N immediately regrets her words.

"From people like us..."

Listening intently, arguing internally with the moral and ethical implications of being a hero. She questions further, "Does this mean I'll also need to sign the Sokovian Accords?"

Tony shakes his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "No, kid. I want to keep your identity a secret, I feel like you're still way too young to have to make this big of a choice. But trust me, we have our reasons. For us adults, the choice is rather simple, yay or nay."

Y/N puts on a smile, trying to hide the battle she's fighting inside her. She shakes her head and stands up. She reaches for her bag and rummages through it until finding Beans. She takes him out and gently enlarges him with a quick dose of Pym Particles. Tony watches Y/N carefully as Beans pours Y/N a hot cup of coffee.

"You know we have a coffee machine, right?"

"Yeah, but nothing is better than Beans's coffee!"

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