7. Spun with Blood:

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Months have passed since Y/N joined the martial arts club, and her progress has been remarkable. She effortlessly overcomes boundaries that once hindered her. Injuries heal at an accelerated pace, and her movements become a blur as she outpaces her opponents. There is a newfound strength behind her punches, and her mind works with incredible agility, strategizing with ease.

But amidst her martial arts mastery, Y/N is haunted by unanswered questions. She knows that there is only one person left who might have the answers she seeks—Hank Pym. With the stolen technologies from Stark Industries, she upgrades her own robots, particularly Junimo, enhancing its intelligence and strength.

Clad in her Bloodweaver suit, Y/N steps out into the night, locking up her garage and leaving her robot friends behind to create a facade, deceiving anyone who may wonder about her whereabouts. With her enhanced abilities, she effortlessly scales the towering Pym Technologies building, her movements graceful and stealthy.

Silently, Y/N navigates the dimly lit corridors of the Pym Technologies building. Her heightened senses allow her to detect even the faintest sounds, ensuring her movements go undetected. She moves with a graceful fluidity, a predator stalking its prey.

Using her agility and dexterity, Y/N effortlessly bypasses security systems and avoids surveillance cameras. She laughs under her breath, this seems much easier than the last time she snuck around. To get around the cameras, she just traverse the roof of the corridor, easily getting past any and all security. She blends into the shadows, her presence elusive and fleeting. With each step, she feels the thrill of the hunt coursing through her veins, fueled by a mix of adrenaline and determination.

The occasional flicker of emergency lights casts eerie shadows across the deserted hallways, intensifying the atmosphere. Y/N's heart pounds in her chest, the excitement of the mission fueling her every move. She knows that one wrong step could jeopardize her entire plan, but her months of training and newfound abilities give her the confidence to proceed.

With calculated precision, Y/N ascends staircases and maneuvers through narrow corridors, taking advantage of her enhanced speed and agility. She remains vigilant, her senses attuned to any potential threats that may arise. The building becomes her labyrinth, and she is the spider weaving her way through its intricate web.

As she approaches Hank Pym's lab, the tension in the air grows palpable. Y/N's heightened senses pick up faint sounds and voices echoing from nearby rooms, urging her to move swiftly and discreetly. She skillfully evades patrolling guards, utilizing her newfound strength to silently disable any obstacles in her path. She drops from the roof and knocks them out. After which she spins her scarlet webs, she traps the guards to the ceiling, unable to move and unable to warn anybody. She opens a capsule on her belt and jabs the one-time syringe into her victims. The dosage is strong enough to knock out a horse for more than a day, believe her, the effects on a human, remain to be a tad longer.

Drawing upon her intelligence and resourcefulness, Y/N employs her own technology to bypass security measures, seamlessly slipping through locked doors and restricted areas. Her stolen Stark Industries technologies prove invaluable, granting her access to encrypted files and hidden passageways. She'd just have to swipe a small disc over a hard drive of some sort, and it immediately downloads the information it might keep.

Time seems to slow down as she inches closer to her goal. The weight of her mission presses upon her, and she feels the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. The walls seem to whisper secrets, and she is determined to uncover the truth that lies within.

Finally, she arrives at the entrance to Hank Pym's lab. The door stands as the last barrier between her and the answers she seeks. Y/N's heart races, anticipation coursing through her veins. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself for what lies ahead.

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