12. Peter Parker:

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Peter jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest, sweat trickling down his forehead. Gasping for air, he was tangled in his sheets, the remnants of a vivid and haunting dream clinging to his mind. It was a memory he had suppressed for the past four years—a memory of Uncle Ben's death. The loss and guilt flooded back, threatening to overwhelm him.

Trying to steady his breath, Peter reached for his phone, only to find it buzzing incessantly with notifications. Countless messages from Y/N filled the screen, further adding to his anxiety. Worried about her, he hastily dialed her number, his voice shaking slightly as he waited for her to answer.

"Hey, Y/N, is everything alright?" Peter asked, his concern evident in his voice.

Y/N's voice came through, filled with anxious energy. "I... I'm just really stressed about school, Peter. I don't know if I can handle the Decathlon team. Liz is on it, and you know how I feel about her."

Peter's heart sank, understanding Y/N's apprehension. Liz had always been a source of tension between them, but he couldn't bear to see Y/N suffer. "Y/N, you should join the team. Don't let Liz discourage you. We'll stick together, alright? I'll be there for you."

Her voice softened, a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Peter. I don't know what I would do without you."

With the conversation providing a momentary distraction, Peter reluctantly left his bed and ventured into the living room. But as he entered, he heard a faint echo of Uncle Ben's voice—a sound that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. Startled, he frantically searched for any sign of his uncle, his heart pounding in his chest. Yet, the room remained empty, devoid of Uncle Ben's presence. He called out for Aunt May, but the silence only amplified his unease. It was clear that she had already left for work.

Grabbing his backpack, Peter made his way to school, carrying the weight of unanswered questions and a lingering sense of dread. He packed his Spidey suit, a comforting presence amidst the turmoil of his thoughts. As he walked, the world seemed to blur around him, lost in a sea of memories and unanswered emotions.

Arriving at school, Peter found himself in a daze, his mind preoccupied with images of Uncle Ben—his infectious smile, but also the devastating moment when he lay lifeless on the floor. The weight of guilt and responsibility threatened to consume him, and he struggled to maintain his composure.

Suddenly, a gentle tug on his shoulder snapped Peter out of his trance. Y/N stood beside him, her concerned eyes searching his face. Her smile, the warmth it radiated, provided a momentary respite from the storm within him.

"Peter, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

For a moment, he contemplated sharing his turmoil, his fears and doubts. But he couldn't burden her with his pain. Instead, he forced a smile, masking the tempest raging within. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired, I guess."

Y/N's brow furrowed, her intuition sensing something amiss, but she respected his response. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you, Peter. Remember that."

His heart swelled with gratitude for her unwavering support. Nodding, he replied, "I know, Y/N. And thank you. You mean the world to me."

As their conversation tapered off, Peter's gaze drifted back to his phone, which sat in his hand. A sinking feeling washed over him as he noticed that the message he had sent May earlier that morning remained undelivered. Panic gripped his chest, the uncertainty of his aunt's whereabouts intensifying his frayed nerves. The echoes of Uncle Ben's voice and the absence of May's messages collided in a storm of anxiety.

Fighting to maintain his composure, Peter struggled to focus on his classes. The weight of his responsibilities as Spider-Man, coupled with the ever-present guilt of Uncle Ben's death and the uncertainty surrounding Aunt May, threatened to crush him. The hallways of Midtown High became a haze of faces and voices, all merging into a cacophony that drowned out his thoughts.

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