2. Impromptu Coffee Date:

36 3 13

Y/N woke up to the sound of her alarm clock buzzing incessantly on her bedside table. She groaned and rubbed her eyes before sitting up and turning it off. She glanced at the time, seeing that she had slept in a little and now had to rush to get ready for school. She quickly hopped out of bed, slipped on her favorite pair of black leggings, and grabbed an oversized, fluffy sweater to keep her warm on the chilly morning. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun, grabbed her bag, and headed out the door.

When she arrived at school, she made her way to her science class, where she sat down at her usual spot. As she settled in, she noticed Peter walking towards her with a friendly smile. He plopped down next to her without even asking if it was okay, assuming that they were friends now after their interaction yesterday. Y/N didn't know how to feel about it, but she wasn't mad either.

"Hey," he whispered, causing Y/N to jump a little. "Hope you don't mind me sitting here."

"Uh, no not at all," Y/N replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I feel like we should get to know each other more, considering yesterday," Peter said, leaning back in his chair.

Y/N was taken aback by his sudden boldness, but she can't help but feel a little flattered. "Sure, that sounds good," she says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Peter smiled and started asking her questions about herself, like what her hobbies are and what kind of music she likes. Y/N finds herself opening up to him surprisingly easily, and before she knows it, the bell rings and class begins.

As the teacher began the class, Y/N quickly lost interest in what was being taught. She had already read the textbook about multiple times and didn't enjoy it once. Instead, she reached into her bag and pulled out one of her grandpa's notebooks, which she had taken with her. She flipped through the pages, reading about his various inventions and experiments. She was engrossed in her reading when the teacher suddenly slammed the table in front of her, almost sending her falling off her chair, luckily Peter caught her and steadied her.

She slowly looked upward, seeing the teacher's glare, "Rude..." she mutters

"What is that you're reading, Y/N?" the teacher asked as she reached for the notebook.

"It's just some old book of my grandpa. It's not even related to class," Y/N replied as she reluctantly handed over the book.

The teacher took the book, assuming it was some sort of romance book probably, and didn't even flip through it. She then proceeded to scold Y/N for not paying attention in class and told her she needed to focus on the lesson.

Y/N rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat, feeling frustrated. She had no interest in the lesson being taught and she knew she wouldn't learn anything new. 

"Well if you're such a smart ass, why don't I bring you back to earth, if you succeed you could get your teen romance book back." The teacher then proposed a solution to Y/N. She walked to the chalkboard and wrote the hardest equation she could think of, one that required the use of the final year of uni math to solve. She shrugged and walked back to her seat, expecting no one to be able to solve it.

The equation on the board looked daunting to everyone in the class, but for Y/N, it was nothing more than a simple challenge. As she began to solve the equation, the numbers and symbols flowed seamlessly from her chalk to the board. Her classmates watched in awe as the problem that seemed impossible to them was solved effortlessly by her.

She started by breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts, manipulating the variables with ease. The teacher watched with her mouth agape as Y/N filled up almost the entire board with her work, solving the equation step by step until she reached the answer.

As she wrote down the final answer, the class erupted into applause, and some even gave her a standing ovation. The teacher, still stunned by Y/N's brilliant work, walked toward the teacher and swiped back her book. Y/N rolled her eyes as the teacher sat back down at her desk, still looking a bit dumbfounded. She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

She looked around at her classmates, who were now whispering excitedly amongst themselves and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. They were so easily impressed by something that was just simple math to her. But then again, she had to remind herself that not everyone was as good at math as she was.

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