14. A Destined Bloodbath:

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Y/N stood on the rooftop overlooking Liz's party. She took a deep breath, her heightened senses picking up the sounds of laughter and music drifting up to her. She looked down at her glimmering phone. It brightened the night sky. Tapping at her screen, she quickly sent Peter a message.

As she reached to put her phone away, her fingers curled around her phone, "Am I doing the right thing?" She thought. 

She brushed it off. With a daring leap, Silk gracefully descended from the rooftop, immediately capturing the attention of everyone nearby. The crowd erupted into excited murmurs and eager whispers as they witnessed her flawless landing. She waved at those who noticed her arrival, reveling in the thrill of being a superhero in their eyes.

In no time, a buzz of excitement surrounded Silk as people swarmed around her, requesting autographs and bombarding her with questions. Y/N, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the sudden attention, took a moment to catch her breath and gather herself.

In no time, word spread like wildfire, and people flocked to Silk, forming a circle around her. Excitement radiated through the air as they clamored for autographs and bombarded her with questions. Y/N, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden attention, decided to take a moment to gather herself.

Using her incredible agility, Y/N sprang into action, her hands swiftly attaching to the roof, followed by a seamless flip that allowed her to secure her feet to the ground. Frozen in her footsteps, she couldn't help but listen intently as the voice of Flash boomed through the speakers, announcing her presence to Peter. A mischievous smile tugged at her lips as she locked eyes with Flash, who was staring up at her from below.

"Hey, Flash, I think it's time to take the party to new heights!" Y/N declared, her voice carrying a playful tone. In a swift motion, she deployed her webbing, skillfully ensnaring Flash and securely attaching him to the roof. The crowd erupted into laughter and cheers, relishing in the poetic justice that unfolded before them.

Confidently strolling back through the crowd, Silk gently bumped Liz aside, playfully teasing her. Finally, she stood in front of Peter, her eyes locked onto his. She stood there in her suit, in front of him.

Liz, ever curious, couldn't help but voice her question. "So, where's Spider-Man? Shouldn't he be here with you?"

Silk feigned nonchalance, hiding a mischievous grin. "Oh, he's out on patrol tonight. I just decided to swing by and catch up with Peter instead." She winked at Peter, who couldn't help but suppress a smile.

He discreetly pulled her aside, their voices drowned out by the music and lively chatter.

Curiosity burning in his eyes, Peter leaned closer and whispered, "So, Silk, what's this favor you owe Y/N? She mentioned it earlier."

Silk's lips curled into a knowing smile as she met Peter's gaze. "Well, I don't think she'd want me to spill the details, but let's just say she's been a true friend."

Returning to the group, Silk seamlessly merged back into the vibrant atmosphere of the party. MJ, ever the inquisitive soul, couldn't resist delving into the excitement. Her gaze shifted between Peter and Silk as she playfully asked, "Hey, Silk, how was it fighting alongside Iron Man?"

"Wait, what do you mean?" Silk asked ever so calmly.

"You know, Germany?" MJ's words made Y/N start to worry. Tony told her that he wouldn't want people to know that Silk or Spidey was involved, but it doesn't make sense that MJ knows.

"I... I don't know what you mean... I wasn't in Germany." She tried saving it, she glanced at Peter, his stature seemed to shift.

"Some reports I read made it sound like a web-slinger was involved." 

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