16. Life-Changing:

11 2 16

Peter attempted to explain himself. "This isn't what it looks like!"

May, seizing the opportunity, went to shut the door once again, hoping to provide them with some much-needed privacy. However, fate had other plans.

"I'm so sorry. Practice safe--" May began to say, but before she could finish her sentence, Peter interrupted her once more, his voice filled with urgency.

"No, no, no, May, this is not what it looks like! May!" Peter pleaded, his words tumbling out in a desperate attempt to clarify the situation.

May turned back around, finally realizing Y/N's presence. "Oh, hey! Y/N, I didn't even see you," May greeted, a hint of surprise in her voice as she tried to diffuse the tension.

Peter, his attention momentarily diverted from the awkward encounter, noticed the traces of tears on Happy's face. Concern washed over him as he inquired, "Wait, have you been crying?"

Happy's voice cracked as he revealed his emotional state. "We broke up."

Y/N, still processing the situation, chimed in with genuine surprise, "I didn't even know you two were dating..."

Peter's gaze shifted, noticing something outside the window that demanded his immediate attention. Without hesitation, he swiftly webbed the blinds shut, preventing any unwanted eyes from prying into their personal affairs. Sensing the need for a quick solution, Y/N extended a helping hand, offering Peter a conveniently placed T-shirt to cover his muscular physique... and yes, even his sweet, sweet bulge.

"Thank you," Peter murmured gratefully, feeling a mix of relief and appreciation for Y/N's assistance.

Turning his attention back to May, Peter couldn't help but express his surprise. "I didn't know you guys broke up."
Peter's gaze shifted, noticing something outside the window that demanded his immediate attention. Without hesitation, he swiftly webbed the blinds shut, preventing any unwanted eyes from prying into their personal affairs. Sensing the need for a quick solution, Y/N extended a helping hand, offering Peter a conveniently placed T-shirt to cover his muscular physique... and yes, even his sweet, sweet bulge.

"Thank you," Peter murmured gratefully, feeling a mix of relief and appreciation for Y/N's assistance.

Turning his attention back to May, Peter couldn't help but express his surprise. "I didn't know you guys broke up. I thought you were in love, May."

May let out a soft sigh, her voice tinged with sadness. "No, it was a moment in time."

Understanding the need for a more private setting to sort out the situation, Peter ushered May out of his room, guiding her towards the kitchen where they could have a conversation away from prying eyes. Happy, feeling increasingly out of place, contemplated whether he should stay or make his exit.

"You know, I should probably leave. I think..." Happy trailed off, his emotions still raw from the breakup, uncertain of his place in the unfolding drama.

In the hallway and living room of Peter and May's apartment, Peter and May continued their discussion, their voices hushed as they attempted to navigate the complexities of their recent romantic entanglement.

"I, uh... I thought you guys were such a handsome couple," Peter confessed, his tone laced with a mix of confusion and disappointment.

May leaned in closer, whispering her response, "You know it's really about boundaries."

Peter nodded, finally starting to understand. "Oh, okay."

Just as they were attempting to find some common ground, a loud buzzing sound reverberated through the building, signaling the presence of someone at the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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