15. Time:

13 3 11

"We don't have much time," Stephen stated firmly. "You need to come with me."

Y/N blinked, amidst her daze of just waking up, there isn't much more she would have been able to do than to trust the man out of a dungeons and dragons campaign. With a flick of his hand, Stephen conjured an orange flickering circle, its ethereal glow pulsating with power. Y/N's eyes widened in awe as he gestured for her to step inside.

"Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum," Stephen announced as they emerged from the teleportation circle.

The ancient and mystical surroundings of the Sanctum Sanctorum enveloped Y/N, leaving her breathless. She looked around, taking in the shelves filled with ancient artifacts and the otherworldly ambiance of the place.

Stephen turned to face her, his expression grave. "Y/N, the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance. Your role in all of this is vital."

Y/N's brows furrowed with concern as she absorbed Stephen's words. "Why me? What makes me so special?"

Stephen's gaze held a mix of caution and wisdom. "Because you're the only one he trusts enough actually to stop him."

Confusion clouded Y/N's features. "Stop who?"

Stephen's lips curled into a faint smile. "Peter. You must stop Peter."

Y/N's eyes widened with disbelief. "Peter's a good guy, he wouldn't do anything to hurt anybody! You know that, right?"

Stephen sighed, his expression was heavy with regret. "He is a hero, but he doesn't fully understand the consequences of his actions. And sadly, I can't fix it."

"Why not? You're supposed to be the Sorcerer Supreme!"

A wistful sadness flickered in Stephen's eyes. "My actions are set in stone. They've been planned for years into the future, my death scripted long before I was even born."

Y/N's voice trembled with frustration. "I don't understand. Wouldn't mine be 'scripted' as well?"

Stephen's tone grew somber. "That's the strange thing. It doesn't. It's as if you're a flaw in the timeline, an anomaly."

Y/N's eyes narrowed, hurt and confusion mixing within her. "So, you want me to help, but you're calling me an accident? I think this friendship is quickly spiraling down the drain..."

Stephen's expression hardened, urgency seeping into his voice. "We don't have time to waste, Y/N. Are you ready to embrace your role as a hero or not? The fate of the multiverse depends on it."

Y/N's shoulders slumped, a sense of resignation settling over her. "Fine. But once I get there, once I fulfill whatever mission you're sending me on, what am I supposed to do?"

Stephen's eyes locked with hers, his voice resolute. "I've already told you. Stop Peter and find me."

"But—" Y/N's protest was cut short as Stephen's arms began to move in intricate patterns, his hands dancing through the air. A surge of energy enveloped Y/N, and before she could utter another word, her body grew limp, consciousness slipping away as darkness swallowed her whole.

Y/N blinked her eyes open, feeling disoriented as she found herself alone in an unfamiliar apartment. The surroundings were foreign to her, the furniture and decor belonging to a life she didn't recognize. Confusion etched across her face, she rose from the bed and took tentative steps, exploring the unfamiliar space.

As she wandered through the one-bedroom apartment, her gaze fell upon her robots—Beans, the robotic coffee maker, stood powered down in the kitchen. "Good morning, Beans," Y/N greeted, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and nostalgia.

Brain and Brawn ( Peter Parker x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now