11. Right or Wrong:

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Steve's grip tightened on his shield, his face etched with determination. "Now that we've shared our information, it's time for you to fulfill your end of the bargain," he stated, his tone expectant.

Y/N took a step forward, meeting Steve's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I will honor my promise," she affirmed, her voice carrying a sense of purpose. "But know this, Tony is gathering a team to fight you if needed," she warned, her words tinged with concern. 

Sam furrowed his brow, curiosity burning in his eyes. "So, will you be part of this team?" he inquired, seeking clarity.

Y/N stayed quiet for a second and then her response came swiftly, her tone firm and decisive. "No," she stated emphatically. "I am but a lone figure, an observer in the chaos that the Avengers have inadvertently sparked," she clarified, distancing herself from any formal alliances or loyalties.

As Y/N walked away from the group, her footsteps carried a hint of agitation. The weight of the revelations she had just learned bore heavily on her shoulders, fueling a growing anger deep within her core. Her usually calm demeanor now masked a simmering frustration that threatened to boil over.

As Y/N walked away from the group, her footsteps carried the weight of her thoughts, her anger simmering just beneath the surface. Her mind replayed the revelations, the pieces of the puzzle that were slowly coming together. The truth had ignited a fire within her, a burning rage that threatened to consume her.

Unable to contain her frustration any longer, she turned towards a nearby brick wall. With a surge of raw emotion, she drove her clenched fist into the solid structure, a physical manifestation of her inner turmoil. To her surprise, the wall crumbled under the force of her blow, bricks scattering to the ground.

Her gaze shifted back to Steve, Sam, and Bucky, their expressions a mix of astonishment and trepidation. The realization of her own strength, fueled by her anger, sent a shiver down their spines.

"Some things are just meant to stay a secret," she muttered, her voice laced with a potent mix of bitterness and determination. The words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the darkness that lay buried within her own lineage.

As Y/N stood there, her gaze fixed on the broken wall, a newfound resolve welled up within her. She would uncover the truth, even if it meant confronting the darkest aspects of her family's history.

With her anger still smoldering within, Y/N took a deep breath, pushing aside the shattered remnants of the wall from her mind. She turned away from the scene, her purpose clear. It was time to retreat, regroup, and process the overwhelming information she had uncovered.

Without looking back, she swiftly made her way back to the hotel, her footsteps echoing through the quiet streets of Berlin. Each step fueled her determination, her mind racing with thoughts of the past, the present, and the unknown future that lay ahead.

As she reached the familiar confines of her hotel room, Y/N closed the door behind her, shutting out the outside world for a moment. The room, though dimly lit, provided a sense of solace amidst the chaos that enveloped her.

She removed her Bloodweaver suit with deliberate movements, peeling away the layers that concealed her true identity. With each piece discarded, her mind gradually shifted from the events of the night to the next steps she needed to take.

As the late hour reminded Y/N of the need for rest, she exhaled a long breath, acknowledging that it was time to call it a night. The intensity of the evening had left her mentally and emotionally drained, and she craved a moment of tranquility to restore her inner balance.

With a newfound sense of purpose, she made her way into the bathroom, the warm glow of dimmed lights casting a serene atmosphere. The familiar sound of running water filled the space as she prepared a soothing bath, carefully selecting her favorite scented oils and bath salts.

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