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"It hurts" Jisung said, his hands covered his face as he sat at the kitchen island. Him and the other are all dealing with their extreme hangover. Felix walked into the room, gripping onto the wall with one hand and pinching the bridge of his nose with the other.

Seokjin approached him and patted him on the shoulder. "Happy twenty three" He said to Felix, I watched as Felix lifted his head to meet Seokjins eyes.

"We're out of food!" Changbin said, he threw his hands up in the air as he looked inside the empty fridge.

"It's alright, we'll go grocery shopping" Chris said to him.

"I'm hungry!" Changbin cried, he stomped his way over to the couch where me and Reese were sitting. He plopped down on his stomach and screamed into the couch cushions.

I turned away from him and met eyes with Chris. "I'll go with you" I said to Chris.

"No" Felix objected.

"I can take care of myself, Felix" I said.

"I'm not fighting with you right now, I have a killer headache, you're not going" he said before taking a seat beside Jisung.

"You're not my boss" I argued, he glanced over at me from the corner of my eye. "I'll take a gun with me" Chris said, "I am allowed to by the law" he looked over at everyone in the kitchen.

"Good for you, following the rules like a civilized human being" Felix replied in a sarcastic tone. I turned to Changbin and patted him on the back "Don't worry little man, we'll get you some food" I told him before getting up from the couch.

He turned to look at me and then the others "She just called me little" he said in disbelief. "I'm not little!" He said to me as I made my way to the bedroom.

"Guess I better go get dressed then" I said. I stopped and turned to Chris, "Could we make a few pit stops?" I asked him.

He furrowed his eyes "What pit stops?" He asked me.

"I'll tell you in the car" I said. I closed the door and got dressed, I've been borrowing everyone's clothes for quite some time now and I just wish I had clothes of my own.

After getting dressed, I left the room in one of Yoongis black t-shirts, he has a whole collection of them so I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I also put on a pair of Jimin's ripped jeans, he's the only one who wears same size jeans as me.

I pulled my hair back as I approached Reese, I bent over kissed him on the forehead "I'll be back, you need anything?" I asked him.

"Can you get me an icecream sandwich?" He asked me.

"Sure thing" I said.

We talk to eachother like brother and sister sometimes, it's only in dangerous situations that I speak to him like he's my son. Chris had gotten ready in the bathroom. He was waiting at the elevator for me.

"I'm going too" Felix said.

"Then hurry and get dressed" Chris said while swinging the keys around his pointer finger. I leaned closer to Chris "Could we stop by my house?" I asked him.

A Gangster's Wife •Lee Felix•Where stories live. Discover now