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Nishimura Y/n POV

I rolled my eyes as I heard the noises from the screaming girls. Sunghoon came in and the girls finally stopped. „Stop looking like that." he said, while some girls still followed him. „tch, sorry if it's noisy." I said still irritated. „sorry for being handsome" he said and left. „idiot" „Just ignore that guy" Chaewon said. I nodded as our teacher came in.

The lesson was over so me and Chaewon packed our stuff. „Should we go eat?" she asked. „Sure!" I answered. „Y/n!" someone suddenly called me. I looked at the person. It was Heeseung. I waved at him and went to the door followed by Chaewon. „Hi Heeseung!" „hi! Should we go eat together?" he asked, as we nodded.

We walked there and sat on an empty table. „Y/n, are you free after school?" Heeseung asked. „Sorry, I have to study for my Korean exam. Maybe another time.." I said. He nodded and continued eating. „Wow, thanks for asking me as well" Chaewon said and rolled her eyes. Me and Heeseung just laughed, while Chaewon started laughing as well.

We finished eating now, so we left the cafeteria. „Which lessons do you guys have now?" Heeseung asked us. „unfortunately maths" I sighed. „Me too!" he said smiling. „I've got history class. See you guys later!" Chaewon said and left, while me and Heeseung were on the way to our math class. We were just talking, when Sunghoon ran against me. „Yah, Nishimura. Watch were you're walking." Sunghoon shouted. „You ran against me, idiot" he just left. „You ok?" Heeseung asked. „Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks" I said and furrowed my eye brows while looking at Sunghoon. „Let's just go" Heeseung meant as I nodded.

When we arrived at the classroom the teacher wasn't there yet. I walked to my seat and ran against Sunghoon on purpose. He almost fell of. „Yah!" he said. „Watch where you're walking" I said in the same tone as he had said earlier. Sunghoon ignored me and continued talking to his friend Jake. I ran further behind to the penultimate row and sat down next to my brother Niki. „Annyeong!" he greeted and waved at me. I smiled and waved at him as well. „Is Sunghoon Hyung still disturbing you?" I just nodded since our teacher was coming in.

„Class dismissed" the teacher said. I left the classroom with Niki and Heeseung, as Chaewon came. „Y/n!" she said and hugged me. „Let's go!" „see you tomorrow, Heeseung" I said. „Bye guys!" before leaving he hugged me and I noticed, that I was blushing. He then let go of me and left.

„When will you tell him about it?" Chaewon asked. „I- uhm... I d-don't know" „right Y/n! You've got a crush on him for about a year." Niki said. „Yah! Kim Chaewon! I told you to not tell Niki about it!" I shouted. „Sorry... he bribed me..." she said while Riki just laughed. „Wait, what?" „he gave me food.." „Riki! Are you crazy??" „heheh..." he just laughed. „I'll go home now. See you tomorrow!" Chaewon hugged me and left us.


As we arrived at home I went to my room and started studying for my exam. After a while Niki came to my room. „Noona?" „hm?" I said while still focusing on my tasks. „When are you going to talk to Heeseung Hyung?" he asked. „Yah!" I threw my pen at him. „I have to study, so get out. Ah and give me my pen back before leaving." I said. „fine, I'm leaving." Niki gave me my pen and left. That guy is crazy...


next day

Nishimura Y/n pov

„Chaewon-ah!" I called her. I ran towards Chaewon and hugged her. „What is this good mood supposed to mean? Are you finally going to talk with Heeseung?" she asked me. „tch! Why is everything always about Heeseung, when you're talking to me?" I asked a bit annoyed. „Sorry..." We were just entering the school, as Sunghoon ran against me. „Yah! Park Sunghoon!" he stopped. „What is it?" he asked in an annoyed tone. „stop it!" „tch" he fixed his hair and left. „he probably thinks he's handsome. What an idiot..." I rolled my eyes.

„Y/n!" Heeseung suddenly came. „Hi!" I greeted him. He hugged me. Chaewon, who was standing next to me made a fingerheart. I ignored it since Heeseung already let go of me. „Do you also have history class now?" we nodded.

Since we all had the same lesson now we went to our class together, as Niki suddenly followed us. „Heeseung hyung! Are you coming to Jakes house today?" he asked. „Why?" „did you forget about our project?" Niki asked. „Ah, right." he now remembered. „Y/n, do you wanna come with us? You're so good at english!" Heeseung suggested. „Uhm, really? I mean I'm not part of the project.. and Jake is so much better at English than me. He's from Australia after all" I meant. „That's not important. You could still help us!" Riki said. „Fine, I'll come" „hahah, thanks for inviting me as well" Chaewon said. „Ah, sorry. You can come too, if you want to" „It's okay. You'd all ignore me anyway, just like always.." she said. „Come on! I'll be there too!" I said. „That's exactly the problem" she said while laughing. I rolled my eyes. „I'm really fine! I'm busy anyways, so I can't come." I nodded.

After school we were all waiting for Jake. „Ah, hyung!" Niki called when he saw Jake. „Hi guys!" he said. Suddenly Sunghoon and Jay came. „Wait, are they going to come with us?" I asked. „Yeah, they are part of the project." Jake said.

I don't have a problem about Jay.... But Sunghoon?

to be continued...

Hello! Thank you for reading the first chapter of my new enha story^^ firstly I'm sorry for my bad English.. it's not my first language but I don't care :D

Also this chapter was kinda long I'm sorry.. the other chapters won't be this long. And I'm already telling you that it may take some time until I'll publish the next chapter since I'm really busy these days. On Saturday is my birthday and after that I have to study for maths cause I'm bad at it 😭😭

The only free day would be tomorrow but I'm not sure if I'm going to publish a chapter..

Anyways thanks for reading! I hope you liked it^^

Have a nice day and stream enhypen <3

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