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no one's pov

Ten minutes passed since Y/n and Sunghoon went to Sunghoon's room. Both of them were just randomly chilling on their phones (I guess u know what I mean..). „Yah, I'm bored. What should we do?" Y/n asked. „hmmm..... let's just randomly talk. Or play like a game about honesty" the guy suggested. „sure!" Sunghoon patted his hand on the seat on his bed next to him, to show Y/n she sit down. Y/n widened her eyes. „I'm not biting. Now sit down" Sunghoon said and laughed softly, as Y/n finally sat down.

„ok, I'll start" Y/n nodded, as Sunghoon continued. „do you love Heeseung?" Sunghoon directly asked, while Y/n sighed. „I did.." „so.. You don't love him anymore?" he asked, as Y/n shook her head. Sunghoon smirked out of reflex. Y/n luckily didn't notice. 

„So.. hmm..." she thought about what to ask, while holding a finger on her chin. „What was the worst thing you ever did?" „I pranked my mom.." Y/n held back her laughter. „what did you do?" she asked him. „I put salt instead of sugar in her coffee." Y/n now laughed so hard. „Yah, this is nothing! Niki did the worst things.. he destroyed my mom's 200 dollar dress. She was so mad that day" both of them now laughed.

„Did you have your first kiss?" Sunghoon asked. „hey, your questions are kinda sus. but no, I didn't. I'll probably never have my first kiss... who would even love me?" the girl sighed. 

Well, I do... WHAT?! NO!  Sunghoon thought. „there sure will be someone. Trust me" he smiled, as Y/n's face got red.

„Do you have a crush?" Y/n asked. „uh, I- I don't know" „be honest!" „ok, I think I do have a crush.." 

Wait.. WHY DID I ANSWER LIKE THAT?! I don't have a- wait, I shouldn't lie to myself.. I think I'm feeling something strange.. especially near Y/n.. is it perhaps love?  

Sunghoon was confused. 

„uhh! Mr. ˋcold guy' got a crush!" Y/n teased. „Yah! Stop it! I have feelings too, you know!!" Sunghoon yelled. „ok, ok! I'll stop. Anyways.. you know what I suddenly remembered? This morning you called me and said I have to come early, remember?" she asked as Sunghoon nodded. 

„And I was like 'why this early? Let's do it laterˋ that's why you said you 'had plans'. Now tell me why I could stay here. What about your ˋplans'?" she asked. Sunghoon gulped. „I- uhm.." 

I wanted to spend time with you  he finished the sentence in his head. „you..?" Y/n waited until he'd finish his sentence. „I wanted to finish the project today" he meant. „Park Sunghoon. This still is the honesty game." Y/n remembered him. „I... I wanted to spend time with you" Sunghoon covered his face in embarrassment. 

Y/n's face for red. „Y-you wanted to spend time with me? Why... why would you?" the girl asked confused. 

because I like you

„I thought we could become friends.." Sunghoon said. „uh, you know.. the first time I met you I was just mad. I don't even remember why but it didn't have anything to do with you. So I randomly got mean towards you.." Y/n meant. „so..?" „I wouldn't mind getting friends with you" she said smiling at the boy. Sunghoon felt his heart beating faster. 

„You okay, bro?" the girl asked, since Sunghoon didn't say anything. „hm? Yeah, I'm fine.." he said rubbing the back of his neck. 

„Anyways.. what should we do now?" Y/n asked, as she stood up. „don't know" Sunghoon stood up as well, as he suddenly smirked. „yah.. why are you smirking?" she asked and took some steps back. Sunghoon came closer and pushed her against the wall. „W-what are you doing?" she asked nervously, as her cheeks got red. „yah." the taller boy touched her cheek with one hand, while he still had the other hand on the wall. 

„What would you think I'll do? I'm just teasing you! No need to be nervous." he said as he stepped back. 

„shall we watch a movie?" he asked looking at the girl. „umm, s-sure" Y/n said, as both of them sat down on Sunghoon's couch and started watching a movie. 

You're probably asking yourself why Sunghoon teased her like that, right? Well he wanted to see her reaction, so he could tell if Y/n's maybe feeling the same as him. Sunghoon was happy that Y/n got so nervous but sure he couldn't tell, if she's feeling the same. So in the end the plan wasn't really efficient but Sunghoon's gonna try changing her feeling's for him. 

And in less than 20 minutes his  is it perhaps love?  thought changed to

It really is love 

to be continued...

Sunghoon acting suspicious.. 🥹😽

Anyways hello! 

My English was kind of confusing in this chapter I'm sorry about it.. :( just tell me if you didn't understand something^^ 

Also I know this chapter was like random and Sunghoon acted sus like out of nowhere but I hope u understood the point of this chapter ;)

Also my internship ended and I'm gonna update more often these days (probably not on monday) 🫶🏻🤟🏻

Thank u so much for reading, I hope u liked this chapter <3 

Have a nice day and good luck on studying or whatever you have to do🫶🏻


perhaps love//park sunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now