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Here's the bite me mv from Enhypen if you haven't seen it or haven't listened to the song🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

the next day

no one's pov

Today Y/n went to school alone, since Niki wasn't feeling so well. She was listening to music and sang a bit without noticing it. „Ah Y/n! What are you singing?" Jake and Sunghoon came. „Umm... n-noticing" her face got a bit red. „No need to be shy. We're friends!" Jake meant.  sweet Sunghoon thought with a straight face.

Y/n and Jake talked about some school stuff, while Sunghoon walked behind them. He felt kinda jealous but didn't want to tell them. Sunghoon always acted cold to people, except for his friends, even tho he's a nice person. He didn't want to get attention from all the students. „Hurry up, hoonie" Jake called. „Hoonie HAHAHH" Y/n laughed so hard. She thought that nickname wouldn't match to Sunghoon's cold attitude. „Be quiet, Nishimura" Sunghoon said Rolling his eyes. 

„Today you're going to start the group project. I made the teams, so listen" the teacher said. I hope I'm in a team with Chaewon or Sakura Y/n hoped since last time she was in a team with boys. The teacher started reading the teams. „...Chaewon, Sakura and... Harua" Y/n pouted. At least  Jake and Yuma are still left..  Y/n thought. „... Jake, Yuma and.. Jungwon" the teacher said. ˋnooo... wait there isn't anyone left' Y/n was confused. „... Y/n and Sunghoon" w-what?!  Y/n turned around and looked at Sunghoon. He looked at her with a teasing face. „Idiot.." Y/n whispered. 

„class dismissed" Y/n packed her stuff and sighed, as her friends Chaewon and Sakura came. „Are you ok?" Chaewon asked. „I'm in a team with Mr. Handsome. It couldn't have been better" she rolled her eyes. „Don't worry. The projects just until Tuesday" Sakura tried to calm her down. „yea, she's right. You won't die" Chaewon meant. „Let's just not talk about it.." they nodded and followed Y/n to the cafeteria. 

As they arrived at a table Jake, Yuma, Heeseung and Sunghoon came. „Annyeong!" Yuma greeted. „Annyeong!" Chaewon greeted back, as the boys sat down. 

Everyone talked except for Y/n. She was a bit mad and just ate her food as Yuma noticed. „Are you okay?" he asked in Japanese. „I'm teamed up with the guy on my left" she answered in Japanese as well without mentioning Sunghoon's name. „Ah, what's the problem about him? Hyung is really nice!" „he's teasing me all the time. I just don't like him. He's always cold" she rolled her eyes. „maybe it's because he likes you" „hey! He doesn't! And like you already know I have a crush..." she said. „try being kind to him. Maybe he won't tease you anymore" he suggested. „Yeah, yea. Whatever" 

Y/n was actually thankful that Yuma tried to help her. They've been close friends for a long time. But Y/n doesn't like Sunghoon so she won't try being kind towards him. „Stop talking in Japanese, will you?" Sunghoon said. „Tch. Why should you care?" Y/n asked. Sunghoon just continued eating. 


After school Y/n went outside with Sakura and Chaewon. They talked and were laughing so hard. As they calmed down Y/n saw Heeseung and Sakura noticed (her seeing him). „Just go talk to him. Chaewon and I are going home. Bye~" both of them hugged Y/n and left. Y/n wasn't sure if she should go to Heeseung. 

I can do this!  she thought. „Heeseung-ah!" she called. „Ah, hey Y/n!" Heeseung hugged her, as she blushed. „What are you doing here?" Y/n asked. „I was waiting for you. Can we talk?" Y/n got nervous. „Umm, sure" 

to be continued ...

Hello hello! Sorry for the late update... I was unsure what to write in the next chapter so I took some time :/ 

I also had to study a lot but I got a good grade at maths omggg :D In Germany it's 2 like the second best but I don't know how it is in English... is it B? Idk.. anyways actually I'm bad at maths so I'm really happy about it^^ 

Also the Enhypen comeback OMGGG!! I love the comeback 🫶🏻🥹  if you haven't listened to it yet please listen to the songs trust me they're good! But I guess most of you have heard it..

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it^^ comment you're thoughts if you want to <3

Have a nice day and good luck at studying (if you have to) ❤️❤️

Bye bye!! 

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