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here's also a relay dance just for some music but the mv would have some random parts that would stop so I took this video ^^ enjoy this chapter ;))

no one's pov

„ok, sooo..." Y/n started telling him everything about Heeseung. Like the other day he lied to her and the phone call Ishtar now. „... I know this isn't something reallyyyy bad and you probably think I'm overreacting.. but I guess I should break up with him" Y/n narrowed her eyes, scared of Sunghoon's reaction. She didn't want him to laugh at her but she knew she had to tell someone about it. 

„You aren't overreacting" Sunghoon smiled at her. „As your boyfriend he can't lie to you or tell you to not hang out with other boys. He's not your mom after all" Sunghoon rolled his eyes, as Y/n randomly laughed. „You should break up with him. Since you've started dating him you aren't yourself. And if you need anyone to talk to, I'll always be there for you!" Sunghoon said with a smile, as he patted her head. Y/n felt her cheeks burning. 

Even tho she hasn't a good relation to Sunghoon, she was happy to get to talk to him. Also his words and action made her heart beat faster. „T-thank you.. I know we aren't like friends but I'm happy you're listening to me" she said and smiled. „Yah! You started being mean towards me the first time we met. That's why I did the same! I wouldn't mind if we'd be friends, even tho you are annoying" he rolled his eyes. „that doesn't make sense, Sunghoon!" the girl laughed and Sunghoon did as well.

„Let's go home and finish that annoying stuff" Sunghoon meant. Y/n nodded, as she took her bag and followed Sunghoon.

„We're finally done! Yayy~~" Y/n cheere, as both of them closed their books. „wait, what time is it?" Y/n looked at her phone. „It's already 10 p.m??" „Are you sure you want to go home like this? I mean.... It's so dark outside" Sungjoon said worried. „What do you mean? I can't stay here!" she said shocked. Y/n stood up and took her bag. „Sorry but I have to go.." she said. 

Y/n went downstairs followed by Sunghoon. „You're still here Y/n? It's really late" Mrs. Park said. „Yes, you're right.. we wanted to finish the project by today, so it got really late.. I'll go now" Y/n smiled, as she wanted to put her shoes on. „Wait, you can't go out like this! It's dark outside and too dangerous!" Y/n chuckled at Sunghoon's mother being so worried. „I'll call my mom. Maybe she'll drive me home" Mrs. Park nodded as Y/n called her mother. 

„So? What did she say?" Sunghoon asked. „She's not home... she meant I have to stay here" Y/n pouted. „tch. I have to see your annoying face for so long now" he rolled his eyes. 

„Park Sunghoon!? That's not how you should talk to a girl!!" mrs. Park yelled. „sorry mom. I didn't mean to.. I'll help you cook dinner" he said and ran to the kitchen. 

tch. At school he's always cold to everyone but at home he's a softie  Y/n thought. „I'll help as well!" Y/n said, while following the taller guy.

„It's okay! You can sit down" Sunghoon meant. „no, I didn't do anything the whole time" she meant while starting to clean the table. „I'll do this, Y/n. Now sit down!" mrs. Park said as she finished cleaning the table for her. Y/n thanked her and sat down, as she waited for the dinner to be ready.

„The food was really good Mrs. Park! Thanks for letting me stay here!" the girl smiled at Sunghoon's mother. mrs. Park nodded and started doing the dishes. Y/n wanted to help her but Mrs. Park said, she didn't want to discuss that with Y/n, so she gave up and followed Sunghoon to his room. 

to be continued... 

hey! How are you guys doing? I hope you're doing fine and are having a nice week :D

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it! ^^ 

feel free to vote or comment I'll be happy about it🥹😽 (you don't have to tho)

Have a nice day and stream Enhypen 🫶🏻

byeee <3

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