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no one's pov

After the day y/n ignored sunghoon, two weeks had passed. In that time Sunghoon always tried convincing the girl to talk about whatever was bothering her. But she always left, ignored him or said „next time I'll tell you.". The boy also texted her about it but Y/n always left him on read.

Everything he tried to do was just useless. The girl would always find any escape. Sunghoon was really mad about it, as the girl he trusted the most just changed like that. His heart broke when y/n got like that and he knew it couldn't stay like this forever. 


On a Friday the guy decided to stop that. So after school he spotted y/n walking home alone, as he went to her. „yah" she looked up and didn't except him to suddenly stand in front of her. 

„We need to talk, y/n. Now" he meant serious. „I-.. uhm.... I'm busy-" „stop lying. Come now" he took her by her wrist and wanted to drag her with him. „Hey! let me go!" she said, while tryingto escape but his grip was too strong. Sunghoon stayed quiet, taking her to his house. 

He opened the door, still not letting go of the girl. Y/n yelled at him to let her go but the boy didn't listen at all, locking the door instead so there was no way for y/n to escape. 

„Sunghoon! What's wrong with you?? Let me go!!" she yelled. „You're asking what's wrong with me? I should be the one asking you. You ignored me for two weeks! You never wanted to talk about it, I just wanted to help. There's nothing wrong with me but with you, Nishimura             Y/n!!" he yelled back, making her speechless. 

„aish!" sunghoon meant frustrated as he sat down on the couch. 

„Stop avoiding me again. You'll sit down here and tell me, right now" „but-" „no buts! I said right now!" the side of sunghoon made y/n step back. 

„why... why are you acting like this..?" she asked scared. The boy looked at her. „how would you react if the person you trust the most would avoid you?" he asked back, slowly calming down. 

„I-..." „see? Now come?" he pointed at the seat next to him, as the girl came sluggish, sitting down next to him. 

„I didn't want to scare you, y/n. but... please tell me whatever is disturbing you" sunghoon felt bad about yelling at the girl, so he apologized to calm her down a little bit. Y/n nodded, ready to talk about it.

„don't be sorry. It's my fault. just.. everything. It's all my fault" Sunghoon looked at her. „I'm sorry, Sunghoon. You did nothing wrong. I was... scared. scared to face you.." she admitted, making the boy confused. 

„scared? what do you mean?" the girl sighed. „The day you were drunk.. you, uhm.. you started calling me ‚princess' , said you l-love me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.." Sunghoon's eyes widened. He didn't remember that at all. 

„I really did that?" he asked receiving a nod from the girl as a response. „It made me so nervous and scared.. but there's also something else that made me mad.." she said while looking at the floor. „what is it?" he asked curious.

„a rumor.. I overheard that you're.. well, dating someone..." sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows. „It's-" „don't worry. It's not bad or something but,... I'm sad that you didn't tell me.." she interrupted him. 

...and I'm not the one you love....   she finished the sentence in her thoughts. 

„y/n, I'm not dating anyone. The rumor is not true" he said. „you don't need to lie. It's okay, Sunghoon" y/n said while playing with her hair and trying to smile. Well, she didn't manage to smile at this situation all she wanted to do is cry but of course she wanted to avoid that in front of the boy she loves. 

„I'm not lying." she looked at him. „I'm not dating anyone" he smiled, which made the girl's cheeks get hot. 

„let's just come down and forget about everything for a bit, okay?" he asked as y/n nodded. Sunghoon patted her head and thought of anything they could do instead. „You wanna play a game?" he suggested. „sure" the girl answered with a smile plastered on her face.

They then stood up and chose a game they could play, as the two of them decided to play monopoly. 

to be continued...

guys~~~ I'M BACK👽

I'm so sorry for being inactive such a long time😭😭😭 I was really busy with school so I wasn't able to update :(  

Anyways guys how are y'all doing? ^^ hope you're doing good with school and stuff but yea good luck! <3

Thank u all for reading, I hope ygs liked this chapter🤭

Have a nice day and stay healthy guys❤️😻

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