twenty three

47 5 15

no one's pov

„Are you okay sunghoon? Why are we here? Is it because of that Donghyun guy?" Y/n asked him. The two were somewhere between some trees, sitting on the ground, as Y/n got worried about Sunghoon acting like that. 

„I'm okay don't worry" he smiled. „It's just... please stay away from Donghyun. He is no good for you. If he asks for your number again, just say no, got it?" the girl nodded, as Sunghoon patted her head while saying „good girl". Y/n smiled as she ignored her heartbeat that got faster. 

„But why is he bad? Aren't you two friends?" she asked. „We're more like rivals. Because of ice skating, you know?" „ice skating? Wow, that's cool! I've a ways wanted to try it" she smiled, while thinking how cool it would be. 

Sunghoon nodded and stood up. „Where are you going?" Y/n asked and got up as well. „you'll see. Just follow me" he said and ruffled her hair. „yah!" the girl yelled, as she quickly followed him. 

After some time they stood in front of a huge building. Y/n still didn't know where they were. Also there wasn't any writing on the building which made it even harder to figure out what it could be. 

The two of them entered the building and it turned out to be a huge ice rink. 

„oh my god!" Y/n said, as she looked around. „Since you said, you've always wanted to try ice skating I thought I could teach you" he meant. „That's so sweet of you! Thanks Sunghoon!" she meant, as she jumped up and down in excitement like a little kid who just got ice cream. 

Sunghoon and Y/n got themselves skates and put the, on. The girl was kinda struggling with it, so Sunghoon helped her. And when they got on the ice, y/n immediately fell off. 

It was her first time I e skating after all and it was already difficult to her. „Are you okay?? I'm sorry!" Sunghoon asked worried and helped her get up. 

„I'm okay, thank you. I just need some practice I guess" she said and laughed at herself. „I'll help you, don't worry" sunghoon meant and laughed as well. The boy then took her hand and thought her how to skate. 

But the girl couldn't really focus on listening to him. She stared at him the whole time, asking herself why Sunghoon suddenly looked so... 


His face was so perfect. His hazelnut colored eyes, the fluffy hair... 

even the way he talked was so perfect. 

How he treats her so sweet, like she's a princess... 

..his laugh that always made her laugh as well...

...His height that made her feel like the tiniest person...

....his voice that gives her goosebumps all the time...

Why is he making me feel like this?   The girl thought confused.

„Y/n? Are you okay?" he asked worried, giving her goosebumps again. It then made her realize what she had been doing all the time. 

„huh? Uhm, yes! I'm fine! I was just.. uhh lost in my thoughts... I don't know... just continue explaining!" she said and now focused on ice skating. 

And that's how they spend the day together..

Some hours later they decided to go home, since it got really late. Sunghoon took her home just like the last time, as he always got scared something could happen to Y/n. And of course he did to spend more time with her. 

They then stopped in front of y/n's house. „Thanks for today, Sunghoon. Ice skating was really fun!" she smiled at him. „It really was! Then... I'll see you tomorrow!" he said, smiling back. „Bye!" 

before she could go inside, the boy hugged her unexpectedly. Y/n was kinda surprised by it. The ‚old' Sunghoon would've never do something like that. The boy who always acted cold towards her was hugging her? 

The girl hugged him back and made the boy's heart beat faster which confused her. Sunghoon let go of her. 

„See you!" he meant receiving a wave from Y/n, as he then left. 

„what just happened to me? Why am I smiling like an idiot? And... 

... why was his heartbeat so fast?" the girl asked confused. 

„Noona, who are you talking to?" „oh my god! Don't scare me like that, bro!" she yelled and literally jumped after hearing her brother's voice behind her. 

„yea, whatever. I'm just taking out the trash. Oh, I forgot to take you with me, Mrs trash" he laughed. „hahaha, so funny" she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. 

„but who was here before? You were definitely talking to someone. What did I miss?" „uhm, nothing.." „you're acting weird.. we're not done yet" Riki meant and winked at his sister that rolled her eyes annoyed again and left. 

As she was gone Niki started laughing. He actually caught Y/n and Sunghoon hugging before. 

nobody's gonna know anyways..

to be continued...

Niki on his stalker mission🤭🤭

Anyways, hiii! 

How are you guys doing? <3

Luckily I managed to update a chapter today😻 and I hope you liked it! ^^

Thank you for reading and have a nice day ;) 


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