twenty two

46 5 14

( im sorry guys I just love le sserafim and also the song😭😭... enjoy the chapter <3 )

no one's pov

Two weeks had passed now since Y/n and Sunghoon had seen each other. They've been really busy with studying for their exams lately. The exams now were over, still Y/n didn't dare to talk to Sunghoon. 

Oh, you're asking why? Remember last time they met, when they were in front of Y/n's house? 

Sunghoon told her she looks pretty and Y/n left in embarrassment. So now the girl thinks she did something wrong and gets nervous by just hearing Sunghoon's name. But actually Sunghoon thought it was cute, when she got shy and ran away. 


Y/n was leaving the school with Yuma and Chaewon, as the three of them were glad they could finally go home. „Finally our exams are over, yayyy! we should meet with the others soon. We haven't seen them for really~~ long!" Chaewon said.

„others? You mean Sakura?" Yuma asked. „You serious bro? You forgot about your own friends" Chadwon shook Her head disappointed. „I don't know... I met with my friends like yesterday. We studied together" „whatever bro. I was talking about Harua, Jake, Sunoo, Jungwon and Sunghoon" she said, as Y/n got nervous by hearing Sunghoon's name. „yeh, i met with them yesterday-" „yes I don't care anymore. Y/n?" „huh? uhm, y-you're right. We should meet them soon..." Y/n said, as Chaewon got confused by her action. 

„Are you okay? You seem nervous..-" „hello!" 

a tall boy suddenly came, interrupting Chaewon. The three friends were confused. They never saw that boy before. „uh, hi? Do we know you?" Chaewon asked the boy. „Yuma should, but you two... i don't know" he smiled, as Yuma thought if he really knew the guy. 

„Wait, it's you! Sunghoon's ice skate rival!" Yuma then remembered. „nah, we ain't rivals! But yeah. I'm the guy you're thinking about" „what was your name again? Do..  do- something with do... doyoon? No wait, Doyoung? Sorry, I'm not good with memorizing korean names.." Yuma meant, still thinking what his name could be.

„It's okay! My name is Donghyun. It's nice to meet you all" Donghyun smiled at them, especially while looking at Y/n. „Donghyun! Right! I was so close.. but it's nice to meet you too! Why are you here? It's not meant rude, man" he smiled. 

„to be honest.. I've seen you often" he pointed at Y/n. „me?" „Your name is Y/n, right?" she nodded slowly. „I've seen you around some times and you seemed cool to me.. can I get your phone number?" the boy asked smiling, hoping her answer to be yes. Y/n didn't know what to answer at this sudden question. 

Meanwhile someone who was hiding behind a tree, was seeing everything. 

You guessed it right, it's none other than Park Sunghoon. 

The boy was stalking them, as he got really jealous. Kim Donghyun, his rival, was asking for y/n's phone number??

What should I do?? Donghyun, that idiot, is asking Y/n to get her number! I can't lose her like this!! I've been doing so good and then that guy needs to destroy anything.. just like he won against me at our competition that day... wait, that got nothing to do with y/n.. anyways, I need to do something!! 

The boy thought, as he now decided what to do. 

So before Y/n could answer the question, Sunghoon jumped between them. 

„hey Donghyun. Long time no see. What are you doing here?" he asked in a cold tone. „Hi Sunghoon! I'm just talking to her" he pointed at Y/n who now was even more confused than before. 

„Just talking? What's your phone doing there then? Hm? I don't think it can talk.." sunghoon exposed him, as he rolled his eyes. 

„I don't wanna sound rude, my friend.. but it's none of your business. Why would you care about this girl? I bet you don't even know her" Donghyun laughed. „yah, I'm not your friend! And you don't know anything-!" 

„Hey, hey! Calm down you two!" Chaewon interrupted their little fight. „so you really know each other?" Y/n asked. „Unfortunately.. and you know him?" Sunghoon asked back. „No, he was asking for my number just now" Y/n said. 

„oh, really?" Sunghoon smirked as he knew he won against Donghyun. Well,... actually there wasn't even anything to win it lose.. but yea it's sunghoon. What did you expect?

„Yes hyung! It's true!" Yuma said which made Donghyun look away. „Oh, I suddenly remember why I'm here.. y/n, we need to talk" Sunghoon took her hand. It now made Y/n even more nervous. „We need to talk" never means anything good... and Sunghoon taking her hand made it even worse 

„n-now?" „now." sunghoon nodded. „o-okay. See you guys tomorrow" Y/n waved at Yuma and Chaewon as Sunghoon dragged her with him. 

„Let's go Chaewon! We shouldn't miss the school bus.. bye donghyun!" „but I always walk home-" „hurry up!" Yuma meant, as the girl quickly followed him. 

„Sunghoon, that jerk" 

to be continued...


I'm finally uploading a chapter🤭🥹 and this one's kinda long as well.. ( I mean I think that maybe to some of you it's just normal idkkk) sorry to some of you who maybe don't like longer chapter...😭 

Anyways how are you guys doing? And what do you think of the story til now? ^^ 

If you wanna share anything feel free to comment here :3

Hope you liked the story & ty for reading! 😻😻

Have a nice day!! ❤️

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