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no one's pov

The two persons came closer, so Y/n and Chaewon recognized them now. 

„Sunghoon? Sunoo?" Chaewon said. „Hii!" Sunoo greeted. „Hi, what are you guys doing here?" Y/n asked the two boys. „We are taking a walk! Oh, wait. You didn't bring umbrella's.." Sunoo noticed. „Yes, we forgot..." Chaewon meant. 

„You can come under ours!" Sunoo offered them. „it's oka-" „hurry up! Or you'll get sick" Sunghoon said, so Y/n quickly got under his umbrella, while Chaewon got under Sunoo's. 

The Gil's (y/n's) hair got really wet, so Sunghoon was worried she could get sick. That's why his shoulder was getting wet for covering her but he didn't care at all. Also Y/n was cold and Sunghoon noticed. She was just wearing her dress without any jacket or hoodie. 

„Y/n, could you hold the umbrella for a second?" Sunghoon asked her. „sure!" she meant and took it. The taller boy took off his jacket and put it over Y/n's shoulders. „Why did take it off? You'll get cold!" she meant and wanted to give it back to him, as he stopped her. 

„I'm ok. You need it more than I do. Your hair got completely wet" Sunghoon said. „but-" „guys, the rain is getting worse.. where should we go?" Chaewon interrupted her friend. 

„There's a mall near here. Let's go there?" Sunghoon said. „sure!" Sunoo said smiling, as they made their way to the mall. 

They now arrived but the place was really full. „Sunoo, look after Chaewon and I'll take care of Y/n. Just follow me. I know a good place, where there aren't many people" „okay hyung!" Sunoo took Chaewon's hand, while Sunghoon took Y/n's. 

The girl's heart started beating faster after feeling Sunghoon's hand touching hers. „Let's go!" Sunghoon looked at Y/n and smiled, as her face got red. Still, Y/n nodded and they started walking to the spot Sunghoon talked about before. 

When they arrived at the calmer place the boys let go of the girls hands. „let's sit there" Sunno said, as they did what he said. 


It was quiet for quite a long time and Y/n just looked at her phone to distract herself. She then turned it off. „uhm guys, me and chae are going to the restrooms. We'll come back soon" she meant and stood up, as she took her hand. 

„hurry up you two" Sunghoon told them. „Yeh, yeh. We'll hurry up mr Park" Y/n rolled her eyes and started walking away with Chaewon. 

The girls now were out of Sunghoon's and Sunoos sight. Chaewon was still confused of the sudden situation. „okay girl, spill the tea!" she said. „what? There is no tea" Y/n raised an eye brow, looking at Chaewon. 

„whatever you liar. Now talk" „fine.." she rolled her eyes. „The day I broke up with Heeseung I was mad at Sunghoon. So he apologized to me like on the same day and we went outside with Niki and ate ice cream..-" Y/n explained. „So what? That's it?" the girl asked.

„yah! I just stopped for a second. Let me breathe! Anyways.. Niki and Sunghoon talked about a crush or whatever and you know.. I feel strange now, I don't know.." Y/n told her. 

„okay, but was it Niki's or Sunghoon's crush?" Chaewon asked, even tho she already knew the answer. „to be honest I didn't listen so well.. 

but I think it's about Riki" she said. „I KNEW IT- wait, what? Niki?" Chaewon was really confused now.

to be continued... 

thanks for reading, I hope you liked it! ^^

Have a nice day <3


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